Chapter 64

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"Yes me" Aunt Lucy says with a grim look on her face. She was the very one behind it all. I don't believe I even trusted her and went as far as lived with her. Well it's not my fault really. I was being mind controlled by her scrawny elderly hands! Always doing her every bidding.

I struggled with the grip of the chains that held my wrists as I kicked my bare feet at her which barely even reached the hem of her long Victorian blue dress. She shook her head slowly as she watched me before heading over to a lever two steps to her right and moved it one gear thus causing the chains to yank higher while pulling me up with it. I gasped for breath at the pain in my shoulder blades and wrist as my legs dangled freely in midair. I bit on my lips so hard to stop the tears from flowing to the extent I could feel the metallic taste of blood on my tongue. I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of showing her that I was in pain. She should know quite alright that I'm Hope and no longer Cindy and I'm not about to give up just yet.

Ughh, reminds me of that ridiculous name! Pfft...

"As annoying as this statement might be, I actually preferred you with the chip..." She tsked thrice and proceeded. "I should have killed you myself instead of sending apparently useless people"

"You're such a bitch!" I snapped back at her in a cold and harsh tone tainted with fury. She cocks an eyebrow in slight surprise before her face turns into one of rage and she grips harder on the lever and pulls it down into another gear. The chains moved higher again and I grunt in pain at the shocking sensation at my shoulders. I looked up and saw that the chains extended to the roof and also noted the only source of light to be a hatch in it that shone in the center steps away from where Aunt Lucy stood. The rest of the room was engulfed in darkness.

"I thought I... trained you... better than this" She says in a whisper as she brushed her fingers over my dirty foot. I looked down at where she stood, noting that my feet now reached her shoulder level and I used the opportunity to try and kick. As expected though my action was based on probability, she expected the move and hence held my feet in place with both hands. She looks up at me in anger and I lash out my resentment.

"You old coot! I trusted you with all that I had. You took my parents from me. You took my life from me. You manipulated me and made me a misery and what did I ever do to you? NOTHING! You made my own father hate me and you killed my mother. Your own sister! What sort of human would do that?"

"One who is simply returning a long time favour"

"Returning a favour?..." I stare at her puzzled. "What did I ever do to you? I was only a kid!"

"Oh it's not you who is to blame darling..." She says with a sinister smirk on her lips as she moved slowly backwards into the darkness. I gazed at where I had seen her stand in great confusion. What did she mean by that? If I wasn't the one who got her into this revenge spree then.... who did?

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