The Voice Who Silenced The Birds

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Life on the clouds is not what imagined it to be.

I guess it's because I miss being with my wife and Katniss. Prim is actually here with me. She was my second-born child but was killed in the rebellion against the Capital while she was trying to aid civilians after being bombed.

Although I was sad about Prim's death and not being able to watch her grow up, I now have her by my side watching Katniss take on the battles life throws at her. Although I love Prim very much, Katniss and I grew very close to each other. We had a relationship like no other. She was the daughter every father would dream of having.

I loved the days of hunting with her in the woods so our family would have food to fill their starved bellies, swimming in the lake deep within the woods, and picking katniss roots in the soil for our stew. The roots which I named her after.

Katniss and I always loved to sing in the woods. Every time I would sing, the birds would go silent. But now that I'm dead, Katniss could never go back to the lake or even sing to the birds. It's sad how the memories we shared together are now lingering depressing thoughts that wander in her head.

One day my family's life changed forever. A day that would leave my family to struggle for the rest of their lives. A day that took my life. A day that caused my wife to be a widow and my children without a father.

While I was in the coal mines of District 12 a giant explosion occurred causing me and my fellow miners to perish to death. I never knew that day would be my last. The last I would see my children. The last I saw my wife. The last I felt the world beneath my feet.

Now that Katniss is a victor of the games, a survivor of the quarter quell, and a warrior of the rebellion, I can't imagine the nightmares and flashbacks she has every night. It makes me upset that I will never be able to comfort her after the horrendous flashbacks of her past. It is hard to see my daughter afraid to fall asleep because of the trauma she's experienced since I was killed.

Although Katniss struggled with nightmares after my death, she still continued to hunt. While on the outskirts of District 12 she met a boy named Gale. Gale was very tall and handsome and actually knew how to hunt. From that day on Katniss and Gale grew to trust each other and promised to help one another provide food for their families.

Now that I think about it, Gale's father died in the same mine explosion I was killed in. Now that Katniss had Gale, they were able to hunt together, protect one another, trust each other, tell their wildest dreams, rage about their hatred they have for the Capital, and tell their secrets of what they desire most in life.

I was happy that Katniss now had someone to trust and relate her past with.

Since they never left each other I thought it would be nice to see Katniss and Gale be together. In a relationship. Maybe have kids to raise together.

But that was about to change. Not because Gale wasn't good to Katniss. But someone better for her was out there. It all started at the reaping of the hunger games, where Prim's name was chosen but was replaced by Katniss because she volunteered for her. Katniss did this because she knew that Prim would never make it home if she was to fight.

The Hunger Games was where two tributes, one boy and girl, between the ages 12-18 fight to the death in a public arena.

The male tribute from District 12 was a young, strong, and bakers boy with blonde hair who was chosen to participate in the games. His name was Peeta Mellark.

Although Katniss didn't know Peeta very well, I knew that he was a very nice boy. A humble, kind, and a vulnerable boy who was always open about his feelings. In the interview with Caesar Flickerman at the Capital for the games, Peeta admitted to being in love with Katniss ever since she was a little girl. He said that Katniss was the only girl that stood out to him.

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