Chapter 2

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~Olivia's POV~

It's been a week since my audition and I still haven't heard back. I'm starting to lose hope because Tim said I would hear from them soon and I haven't yet. I thought the audition went well. I had a lot of chemistry with Joshua, but maybe everyone else did too. I've been extremely anxious and nervous since my audition. Because of this, I haven't exactly been the most pleasant person to be around. I can't help it though. I have never seen myself in a role as much as I see myself in Nini. I want this role so badly.

My mom and I went to my favorite cafe to, as she puts it, "let off some steam and calm down." I don't know if anything will help me cool off though. I haven't had much of an appetite due to my anxiety, but I ordered a cookie to make my mom happy. As I was picking at my cookie, I got a phone call from an unknown number. I wasn't going to answer it, but I saw my mom start filming me and decided to answer out of pure curiosity.

On the phone:

Unknown: "Hello. Is this Olivia Rodrigo?"
Olivia: "Yes it is. Who is this?"
Unknown: "Hi Olivia. This is Tim Federle. I am calling on behalf of your audition last week. I just wanted to inform you that you booked the role of Nini! Congratulations!"
Olivia: "Oh my goodness! That's incredible! Thank you so very much for believing in me and casting me! It means a lot." I said with tears in my eyes.
Tim: " Of course! As soon as you walked into the audition room, there were no doubts in my mind that you would be our Nini! You are so talented and I'm excited to work with you! I can't wait to get to know you, and the rest of the cast better!"
Olivia: "Me too!"
Tim: "filming will take place in Salt Lake City, Utah. We already have apartments rented. You, Joshua, and I will fly out on Monday from LAX at noon. Please be ready and at the airport by 10:00 am."
Olivia: "Okay! Sounds amazing! I can't wait! Bye!"
Tim: "Bye Olivia!"
End of call

"Mom! I got the part!"
"I know sweetheart. Why do you think I was filming you?"
I couldn't contain my excitement any longer. Forgetting that I was in a public cafe, I started screaming and jumping up and down. I got so many stares from people, but I didn't even care! I was thrilled!

After I got home and calmed down a little, I texted my best friend Madison:

Message to mad dawg:

Livvy Bear:
Madi!!!!! I booked the roll of Nini!!!

mad dawg:

Next I decided to text Ethan

Message to Ethan<3

I just booked the role of Nini!!

Ethan <3
That's awesome babe!

I was so excited. I leave in four days for Salt Lake City, so I decided to start packing. I can't believe this is actually happening!!

~Joshua's POV~

Tim just texted me that Olivia booked the role. I felt so relieved. I can see myself getting along with her really well. He also told me that we leave for Salt Lake City in four days. I really need to start packing. Olivia and I are flying up to SLC on Monday and the rest of the cast is flying up a week later. Tim says we need to "bond and further build our chemistry". I was a little confused at first but I'm okay with it. Tim gave me Olivia's number, so I decided to send her a congratulations text. I can't wait to spend some quality time with her!

~Olivia's POV~

I was packing my bags when I get a text from a number I didn't recognize:

Message from Unknown:

Hey Olivia! It's Joshua Bassett. We met at auditions. Congratulations on booking the role of Nini! I'm so excited to work with you!!

Hi Joshua! Thank you so much! I can't wait to get to know you better! 

Same here:)

A smile crept up to my lips. I owe a great deal of this to him. If he hadn't been so welcoming, genuine, and sweet, I would have been so nervous that I might have screwed it all up.

~Joshua's POV~
(Four days later)

Today was the day I leave for Salt Lake City. I showered, brushed my teeth, and got dressed. After that, I checked my phone

Message from Tim:
Good morning! Flight leaves at noon, be here by 10. Please don't be late!

I live about 10 minutes from LAX so I have to leave in five minutes. My stomach feels empty, but I guess I can just grab something at the airport. I made sure I had everything I needed in my carryon:
Charger: ✅
All good! I said goodbye to my parents and sisters, grabbed my keys and bags, and hopped in the car.

~Olivia's POV~

I got to the airport around 9:45. Tim texted me to be here by 10 and not be late, so I decided to play it safe. Joshua and Tim aren't here yet, so I just waited at a phone charging station. I texted Madi and Ethan while I was waiting. I'm gonna miss them so much. A few minutes later I heard someone say my name.
"Olivia! Hey!"
"Oh hi Joshua!" I replied.
"Please. Call me Josh. Joshua's too fancy. I'm so glad you got the part!" He said, enveloping me in a warm hug. I hug him back and reply
"Thank you so much! I'm super excited to spend some time with you and Tim before the rest of the cast arrives! Speaking of Tim, where is he?"
"Yeah, he texted us not to be late and he's five minutes late!" Josh said with a smirk. I laughed in response. We talked for about ten more minutes. Tim finally walked in holding some coffee and donuts.
"Hey guys! Sorry I'm a little late but there was a long line at the donut shop!" He said
"No worries! Thank you for the food," I replied
"Thanks Tim! I didn't have time to grab breakfast this morning and I'm starving!" Josh says causing Tim and I to laugh.

Tim had a few phone calls to make so Josh and I talked until it was time to board the plane. I thought I would be really nervous, but I'm not. Nothing is the slightest bit awkward or weird between us. Josh is so easy to talk to and I can already tell that we're going to get along great!

Hey guys! Here's part two! Thank you so much for reading!! Once again, feel free to leave some constructive criticism in the comments. I'm still really new to this! <3

~Jolivia~ &lt;3Where stories live. Discover now