Chapter 3

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~Joshua's POV~

Olivia and I had a nice conversation but it was cut short by the boarding announcement for our flight. The flight was surprisingly very crowded. Luckily, Tim made sure that Olivia and I would sit next to each other. I'm so grateful for that because no one wants to spend a three hour flight sandwiched between a 65 year old smoker and a crazy cat lady wearing too much perfume.

We sat in our seats and continued our conversation from earlier. She is so genuine and easy to talk to. I've never clicked with anyone this fast. It feels like we've been friends for years.

"Hey Josh, do you wanna play a game?" Olivia asks with a hopeful smile.

"Of course. What game?"

"Well I was thinking truth or dare, but we're on a flight so we can't really do many dares."

"How about we play truth or truth? We can just ask each other questions to get to know each other better." I respond.

"That sounds like fun! Do you wanna start?"

"Sure." I then try to come up with a good question to ask her. "Ooo I've got one: favorite instrument?"

"Well, I love to play guitar and ukulele but I'm a piano girl. I'm gonna go with piano."

"I love piano. I'd have to go with that too." I say with a grin

"Yeah. There's nothing like a good grand piano!"

~Olivia's POV~

We already have so much in common! I can't wait to spend some more time with him.

"Your turn," Josh says.

"Ummm. Okay. Favorite hobby?" I ask.


"No way! Me too! I post a lot of songs that I'm experimenting with on my Instagram." I reply.

"I do that too! It's a great way to share it with the world." He says.

"I agree."

Somehow, this conversation led to Josh and I realizing that we use social media too much. To keep us from using it, we swapped phones and put parental locks in each other's social media. I came up with a really random password. I probably should've written it down, but it'll be fine. I'll probably remember.

We continued to play our little question game for about an hour. We talked about our previous acting experience, favorite snacks, relationships, favorite movie, most embarrassing moments, and any other things you could think of. 

After we finished our game... for now at least... we decided to watch High School Musical.

~Joshua's POV~

Olivia and I played our little game for about an hour. We talked about pretty much everything. I learned that she has a boyfriend back home that she met when filming Bizaardvark, her favorite flower is a rose, she loves to write songs, her favorite snack is carrot sticks, and many more things. We even wound up setting parental locks on each other's social media to 'keep ourselves sane and balanced'. We have so much in common. I feel more comfortable around her than anyone else, despite the fact that we practically just met.

After we finished our little game, I had the idea to watch High School Musical. She seemed to like the idea, so I pulled it up on the tv. We just watched it and jammed out to the music. About 45 minutes into the movie, I felt something fall on my shoulder. I looked to my right and saw a sleeping Olivia. I just smiled at how peacefully she was sleeping and went back to watching the movie. After another 20 minutes, my eyelids began to get really heavy. The next thing I know, I'm asleep with my head resting on Olivia's.

~Olivia's POV~

I woke up from the best nap I've ever taken to the pilot announcing that we were about to land. I then realized that I'd fallen asleep on Josh's shoulder. His arm was wrapped around me perfectly and his head was gently resting on mine. He must've felt me move because his eyes fluttered open.

"Morning sleepyhead," he says an a groggy voice.

"Oh um, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep on you like that. I guess I was just a lot more tired than I thought," I said, slightly embarrassed.

"No need to be sorry. I didn't mind at all. Plus, I fell asleep too. I haven't been able to sleep much because of the excitement of the show, so I was relieved to finally sleep well!" He replied with that signature warm smile of his. I gave him a smile in return

~Joshua's POV~

I wasn't lying. I have no clue why, but that was the best I've slept in a long time. I flashed her a smile and she gave one in return.

"Thanks Joshy! You make a great pillow!" The smile on my face grew. I love that she called me Joshy.

"Of course. Anytime, Liv." I replied and saw her smile grow as well.

Once we landed and got off the plane, Tim led us to our driver.

"This is Devan, your driver. He is going to take you to the apartments so you can unpack and settle in a little bit." Tim tells us.

"Sounds great!" I replied.

"Josh, you're in room 231. Liv, you are next door in room 233. Here are your keys. I have a couple meetings to go to and I should be back around 9:30 tonight. You two can hang out and bond while I'm gone!" Tim says as we get into the car with Devan.

"Thanks Tim!" Liv and I say at the same time.

"Jinx lock, you can't talk until I say your name three times!" She says.


"Umm. I don't recall saying your name three times!" She says with a slightly evil smirk.

I playfully rolled my eyes and pouted. I tried to give her my best attempt at puppy dog eyes.

"Awww. That's cute, buuuuuuttt I'm not saying your name yet. Very valid effort though!" I silently scoffed at her sassy remark.

~Olivia's POV~

Hehehehe. This is gonna be fun! I'm excited!

~Joshua's POV~

This is gonna be interesting. I'm scared.

Thank you guys for all the reads so far!  I apologize again if this isn't very good. I'm still really new to writing this stuff. Once again, please feel free to comment any constructive criticism or suggestions! <3

~Jolivia~ &lt;3Where stories live. Discover now