Only Human| T W O

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" You really want to fight me, after I almost killed you. "

Garret says stepping forward with a wicked glint in his eyes that said he was ready to kill.

" You and I were friends Garrett and you betrayed our friendship. "

I say the words leaving a bitter taste in my mouth.

" No more talk Lucas let's fight! "

Garrett says shifting into his wolf form.

Seeing him in wolf form reminds me of the day I was attacked by him, I couldn't let that happen again. He has to pay for his betrayal. My father would probably disapprove of this, us fighting. Garrett and I grew up like brothers and now we were both going to fighting each other.

I shifted and my wolf immediately stood his ground being the son of Ephraim Hale my wolf was a lot bigger than the usual size of an Alpha wolf. Had I been aware of Garrett wanting to kill me I would have been prepared but I don't regret it. The wrong he did to me made me leave my pack and I was able to find my mate. Evelyn and I are meant to be mates. Watching as members of the pack gathered around to see who would win. We were neck and neck there wasn't much fight in our left and I knew there was going to be much of a fight anymore and I was right. I waited for Garrett cone at me. When he did I went for his throat, killing him instantly. It wasn't something that I wanted to do but he left me no choice it either him or me. I wasn't going to die not now not when I have now begun to live with my mate. The fight went on for hours but in the end, I won, after it was done and Garrett lay dead I found my worried mate wiping the tears for her eyes. I hated seeing her cry. Evelyn held unto me and I did the same. Taking her hand in mine I made my way into the Alpha house. I needed rest and so did my mate. Everyone gave us warry looks as we both walked past them. But all that mattered to me was only her.

Once inside the house, I found my room and met everything as I left it. Garrett didn't touch a thing. Leaving Evelyn alone I went into the shower to wash off all the blood, his blood, and mine. I was already healing so it was only a matter of two hours before I am completely healed. After my long shower, I came out only to find my beautiful mate asleep. Not wanting to wake her I quietly got dressed and made my way out to go meet my mother and sister.

When I got downstairs my mother and sister were waiting for me. My mother quickly came to my side and hugged me.

" Welcome back Alpha. "

She says smiling.

I nodded not knowing what to say.

" Where she? "

My sister demands to look for my mate.

" She's asleep. "

I say a bit irritated by her lack of concern for me as her brother.

" Who is she? "

My mother questions.

Taking a calming breath I answered her not that I needed to, but out of respect for her as my mother, I answered.

" She's my mate and Luna of this pack and she should be treated with respect. "

My mother gives me a surprised look and then she nodded in agreement with me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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