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As always, Cate is bored in her relationship. Andrew always wants to have soft sex, while Cate wants to whoop the shit out of him and eat his asshole out. Cate Blanchett, Oscar winning actress. Very beautiful, while her husband smells like Cool Ranch Doritos. As she's driving home from the filming of 'Nightmare Alley,' her next feature film, she's thinking about her and Andrews sex life. "I'm so bored, I want to top that man," she thinks to herself. She wanders into deep thought about how she can improve their sex life, to the point the dozes off while driving. She hits 14 gay people with her car before she feels that 14th bump. She looks behind to see a trail of gays, but continues on her quest home. Hot and bothered at the thought of strapping Andrews ass, Cate approaches her home in England. She steps out of her car, only to be greeted by Dashiell beating the fuck out of Andrew. Why was her husband such a pussy? Cate ignores the brawl between her husband and son, and walks into the house. She sees Edith chewing on some bone marrow, but leaves her because she's still teething. "Where did Edith get bone marrow," the woman thought, but she didn't care enough to look. She sets her bag down and makes her way into her bedroom. She takes off her hideous ass clothes, and puts on a shirt that reads "My Gorilla Grip Coochie Is Stronger Than Yours!" This shirt always gets Andrew riled up. It lights a flame in his penis that nothing else can. She situated herself on the bed, waiting for her husbands arrival. He walks into the room with a bloody nose, because Dashiell just beat the everliving shit out of him. Once Andrew walks back into the bedroom, he looks at his wife with glimmering eyes. His favorite shirt he got her in Costa Rica in a gift shop for $12 and a BigMac.... He basically pounced onto his wife as he rips the shirt off. Getting on top of Cate, which angered the old woman. She pushes him off of her, and dives into her night drawer. A 32-inch long strap with "Cate Muthafuckin Blanchett" engraved on it. "BEND OVER!" the woman screams. Andrew listens and gets on his hands and knees.... that's when the real fun starts.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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