Chapter 13

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This is a shorter chapter but it sets the mood for the next chapter. Hope you enjoy!!

Kate's POV

I woke up to my alarm going off

I shut it off and sat up on my bed.

"Today is going to be fine. Everything is going to be fine." I said to myself getting up and going to the shower

I turned the water on and stepped in. I immediately started crying. I miss Calum so much. It hasn't even been 24 hours since we broke up.

After I get out I stop crying and try to pull myself together and get ready for school. I haven't been in so long.

*Outfit below*

I sigh and grab my bag, walking downstairs

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I sigh and grab my bag, walking downstairs

I see my mom and brother sitting in the kitchen and walk over to say goodbye

"I'm leaving for school. See you later" I said about to walk out


I turned around

"You don't have to go today honey, if you don't feel up to it. I know your still hurting from the breakup" my mom said holding my hand

"I'm fine mom. But thanks." I said walking out to my car

*at school*

I walked to my locker and heard someone behind me

"Oh hey Alyssa" I said turning back around to get my books

"Hey, how have you been? You know with everything"  last night I called her and told her everything while crying for hours

"I'm fine. I just want to get through today" I said walking to my first class

*skip to class with Calum*

I dreaded this hour. I'd have to see him eventually though.

I walked into the room and smiled at mr Saltzmen

I sat down and waited for class to start, already dreading this hour

Stacy got to her seat and smiled at me. We don't really talk much anymore, we are more like school buddies that don't really talk outside of school unless we need help on homework which I'm fine with considering she basically revolves around drama

Mr. Saltzmen started class and I hoped that Calum wouldn't show. Luke and Ashton weren't in 1st hour so I figured they all skipped

I zoned out until mr Saltzmen said something about a project to do with comparing the 1900s to the 2000s

"...And I have already picked your partners. Don't complain about who you get or I will atomically take 30 points off of the project. There will be no changing partners whatsoever"

Once he finished talking about the rules the door opened then two people who I hoped wouldn't show came in. Calum and Michael.

They took their seats and Calum didn't even look at me. I can't blame him though, I did literally break his heart.

"Your partners are....." He started but I zoned out until I heard my name get called

"...Kate and Calum then the last pair is Michael and Stacy" he said looking up from the notebook he was reading off of

No no no. I can't be paired with him

"Umm Mr. Saltzmen why can't I be paired with Calum? We work better together" Michael said looking at Calum

"Mr. Clifford, you and mr Hood never turn in your projects on time when you work together. And may I remind you that you both are failing this class which is required to graduate. Maybe you two can learn something from them"

Michael looked at me and gave me a dirty look

I just took out my phone to avoid eye contact

Why does this always happen to me?

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