unforgettable and unfortunate

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Navya's pov

           Wow! how he is always dashingly handsome in every attire he wear.
           Wifey if you're  finished your staring, then shall we move, he asking me in  husky voice.
             Ah... I didn't stare at you Mr. Kumar I mesmerised at my handsome hubby, I said to him boldly.
               Oh.... I can understand you girl afterall your husband is freakingly handsome. And Navi your husband is all yours so you have full lifetime to look at him even more. Now shall we move to our first date beauty, he said to me in deep husky voice.
              Hmm... I just hummed but I'm damn sure he look at my blushing cheeks.
               Oh girl save some blushing for our future, I said to me blinking...
                He started his bike and said I don't mind if you hugged me wifey, afterall pleasure is mine right he said looking at me from his side mirror.
               I placed my hand on his shoulder placing some gap between us. But he soon starts his ride I literally hugged him. That much speed he drove...... After sometimes I hugged him more closely that there is no gap between us. Placed my hand on his waist and head on his back neck. I felt like the most happiest person in this world. 
        He take me to some orphanage.. The children are mostly (5-15) in age. There is 35-40 kids. They're all surrounded shiva within a second. He hugged them and make conversation with them like a little kid. I know he is talkative but I don't know that he behave like a kid. Yes he talked to them comfortably and these kid also doesn't leave him. Two kids are sat on his lap and play with his hands .
          But I don't think these kids are normal because they're looking so lean and some are visibly anemic. Some shave their hairs completely looking like monk.
      I silently watched them. At that time one lady came to us around 50's came to shiva. He introduced me as his love. My breath struck in my throat hearing his word love. Literally he confessing his love to me. My train of thoughts stop by that lady.
        Wow shiva, you finally fall in love ah?? He asked to him teasing tone.
        Not only love we're going to get married by next month mam, he said to her proudly.
        Wow that's so fast man, so your crush for me is coming to end ah, she asked him sadly but it's clearly shows acting.
        Oh mam, your are first crush forever mam it's not going to even I become old, he said to her innocenly
          Oh my boy, I missed Chance to get you she said to him sadly.
         Both are laughed I'm blank with this version of him.
          Then that lady turns to me and said, congrats dr you're truly blessed to have him, I said this wholeheartedly dr.
       Mam, don't go overboard then she thinks I'm the one who make you to said this to her, he said teasingly.
        I smiled then he introduced me and my job..
        So you're Navya you know I'm your fan. I always wished to see you but it's happen because of him. You do a great job girl. Keep it up and you're inspiring many people by your true words. Now I got it why Shiva choose you as his life partner, she said to me patted on his cheeks.
        Both of you are real gem guys. I wish you all happiness comes to our life, she said genuinely.
         Thank you mam, we said in unison.
          Shiva excuse himself from me and went to her office room.
           I go to kids. Introduced myself. One kid asked me, so you're going to marry our Shiva mama(uncle)
          I lift child the placed on my laps and said yes princess, I'm going to be ur athai (aunt). I placed kiss on him..
       Suddenly one kid started to coughing continuously and spit blood on ground. I went to him hurriedly and flustered to see blood. But that kid smile at me. If I  said I'm shocked was understament.
         Shiva came to me life that child to his shoulder and clean his mouth using his handki. And give water to him.  And patted on that child shoulder.
          I don't know what's happening here. After he left that kid on ground and hold my hands. We sat on benches. He looked at kids who're played.
        Shiva Can you explain what's happening here, I asked him.
         He looked at me and tightly hold my hands.
          Navi, these kids are cancer patients. They're all getting treatment now. That kid he pointing to a kid who spit blood before, he has lungs cancer. I don't know when I started to cry, Shiva console me by placing his hand on my shoulder.
        God is so cruel Shiva.why he punished this kids who didn't do anything other than smile, i asked to shiva.
          He doesn't respond but small smile plastered on his lips.
          After sometimes l controlled myself.
           Can I ask you something Shiva, he nodded his head as yes.
            How do you know about this kid and that mam shiva?
             That mam is my class teacher Navi in 5th std. I liked her from my childhood.  You know one day i went to proposed her. On that day onwards she given more attention to me. I always talked to whenever i feel sad. She motivates me lot. She runs this orphanage along with her husband because her kid was died at 8 due to Cancer. That time i dont know this matters at all. But one day i get to know this, my respect for mam is increased..   
            I helped mam using my fathers money. Then me and my friends started to help mam after our schooling. Now we take full responsibility of this orphanage. This orphanage is maintained by mam. We used to visited here frequently.. These kids  call me and my friends as mama.. sometimes our family also visits.. you know navi they're all angels.. some of their parents left them and some are not offered for their treatment, atlast they're all left as orphan. Do You know navi, why I proposed you for our marriage??
          I helped that girl, i said silently
         No Navi everyone helped other in some situation.  That day you didn't only helped her. Your care and love for her that's what impressed me. If you just wants to help her, you can bought her some food or you can leave her in orphanage. But you hugged her and went to shop for her. You take her to hospital and try to make her comfortable around you. In that whole time you either hug or hold her to close you. You don't even give importance to your wound. Thats what impressed me Navi.
          I'm not only the one who supported for their treatment. My business partner also helped them even after they getting treatment we helped them for their studies. But they're all doing this for some fame. They didn't know about these kids. These kids not only lagging money they need love and care. But we failed to give that. So Me and my friends spend our free time here. To make them strong as they're not alone. That's what you do that day. He said looking into my eyes.
        I just hugged him after that we don't talk anything but our hearts feel happiness. Sometimes silence is most powerful one to know our love. I just myself enjoyed with him. One kid come to us placed between us.
         Mama do  you marry this akka(sis), he asked us.
          Yes princess,  do you like her, he asked to her softly.
            Yesss mama i liked this akka a lot, he said smilingly.
             I placed a kiss on that kid cheeks.
             Then do you give me a baby mama??  He asked  innocently.
               What?  We both are said in unison.
                Yes mama, i heard if people get married then they give a baby. So you also you give me right??    He asked us innocently.
       I was numb. But i can clearly see shiva's teasing smile.
       So princess do you want girl or boy baby, i asked to kid lovingly.
         I want both mam, she smiled cutely.
          Then asked to this akka, he said blinking his eyes to me.
           Akka, do you give me a baby, that kid asked innocently.
          Ha..ha.. sur.... dr,  i said with shy..
           Promise?? She asked.
            Yeah.... Promise,i said shyly. Then that kid leave us. Navi don't forget your promise to her. He said teasingly.
             Then we left a orphanage.  Its already  9. Shiva take me to hotel. Dont think 5star one. Because its road side one barely have 6-7 tables. But all are Full. Only 3 chairs are remaining. We sat on that.
           one who distribute dosai to others saw Shiva come to us smilingly.
         Hi anna,  he said to him.
          How are you  shiva and your  friends?? he asked to shiva smilingly.
          Fine anna how are you anni and your kid, he asked to him.
           All are good shiva, then he looked at me.
           Shiva introduced me as his fiance. He smiled at me and me too.
            Anna two masala dosai,  he said to him. Today he making more surprises to me.
           Shiva do you eat in this kind of place??  I asked him hesitantly.
            Why navi??  He asked.
            I mean....., i struck.  
            Just try his food you also gonna to come repeatedly. He is super cook Navi.  Do you know he is my teacher in this cooking.  During our clg time i used come to this repeatedly try to learn his cooking.. He is famous in this area and i know him from my school days, he said.
       Do you really eat in this kind of place shiva,  i asked not believingly.
        Why girl, don't you eat in roadside hotel. He asked to me.
         Why not we only ate in roadside hotel. Wow their food taste is heaven shiva. Me, shalini, piya always ate in this hotel. Do you know we ate all roadsides hotel in Trichy bazar, i said to him dreaming remembering our memories.
          Then why don't you believing me that I'm regular customer here?  he asked
           Its because of your  status shiva, i said bluntly
            Navi I'm not god or something. If i truly love his food then there is no attention to give the outer appearance. You know i love his dish more than 7stars one,  He said to me softly.
         I just nodded.  But my happiness is another level. How can he all great qualities..
        As shiva said, their dishes are mind blowingly super.
        Believe me i ate 3 masala dosai and 2 parrota.
       At last Shiva take me to beach. Its already 10 so people are less.
        We sat on sand. I put my head on shiva's shoulder.
          You know girl, its my desire to take my girlfriend to beach and stay some time alone with her, he said holding my fingers.
        I smiled at him. Then we started to walk holding each other hands. That time one girl called shiva.
       She looks modern and beautiful precisely sexy..
        Hi Madhu he said to her. But she hugs him more than little long.
          Shiva slightly removed from her grip. Stands beside me.
            Then he introduced me as his fiance. But she looked at me like alien.
           Then she shook my hands and said congrats (it's more like cruses).
            Shiva, you know i love you  now also, she said to him boldly.
             Yeah yeah, okay girl i have to go as my girl is waiting for me, he said to her.
            But she looking at me jealously.  And we went away.
           And we walk sometimes slowly but shiva stops at suddenly, then looked at me domt you ask anything to me Navi??.
           What shiva? I asked
            I mean..she  proposed to me now in front of you? Shiva said hesitantly.
            So what Shiva?  As I'm already your answer for her, i said casualy.
             You're already mine. So i don't have to jealous of her. And more than anything i believe you more than me i said to him proudly. I can see love in his eyes for me.
            Cute, he murmured
           After sometimes we ride back.  In between I saw icecream shop and shiva bought gulfi for us.
            That place is so nice and silence. Me and him there is no one around us. He supported his back on his bike  and me sat on his bike.
             Shiva thanks l said whole heartedly.
             Why girl do you want another gulfi,  he said teasingly.
            I lightly support my head on his shoulder. Placed my hand around his waist.
             What are you doing wifey? Do you try to seduce me, he asked to me teasingly. 
         Thanks shiva for coming into my life. Making me happy. I don't know what to say but you're my everything shiva,  you're making me crazy for you, don't leave me in any situation ??and always be with me like friend, husband, lo.. i stop suddenly.
            Yaaa  finish that last word, why are stopping now..he eagerly asking me looking into my eyes.
           I didn't say anything shiva, i said to him with smile. Because I want to hear from him.
         Yaa don't lie. Said that last word completely, more like ordering me.
            Lo..lo.. lolipop, i said.
              I said lolipop..
            Where the hell this lolipop is coming from girl, he raised his voice irritatingly.
            I pouted my lips at his irritation..   
          Yeah dont do this girl,  i was already very hard to control myself.
           Again i pouted my lips for his unknown meaning...
           Thats it he smashed his lips on mine. At first i was blank i don't what he is doing or what i have to do. This is my first kiss that too come from my husband, i enjoyed every second  he put his hand on my waist either side. I simpily placed my hand in shirt. After sometimes he left me to breath. I panted he also.
            Its your first kiss right wifey??  He asked i blushed.
            Mine also he murmured but i can clearly hear his words. I feel happy because this our first kiss. More like peck.
            Yeah don't pouted once again, its my wish to do everything i want after marriage  so don't make me hard girl, he said. I blushed.
          For your question, I never leave you wifey only death can apart us. I usually don't say this type of dialogue. But my lo... Sorry lolipop for you is very strong. I don't think I can leave even if you asking me to go out of your life. Don't dare to think these kind of things. He said to me lovingly with little bit of possessiveness in his voice.  I blushed for his confession especially lolipop
          He take his wallet and give me one dollar which is more beautiful and adorable in heart in shape. He Place the dollar on my hand and said, navi i have this dollar for you more than 12 years.

            One day my dad placed one chain on my moms neck for her birthday and said this his symbol of love

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            One day my dad placed one chain on my moms neck for her birthday and said this his symbol of love. That day I decided to bought one chain for my wife. Even I don't know what the meaning of wife and love.. But my decision is so strong. I have a pocket money where my family gave to me. But I decided to bought with my hardwork. So after my 10th std vacation I do some part time job for almost 4months and saves that money for chain but I didn't have enough money to bought the chain so I bought this dollar. I always treasure this. This is my first hardwork for you unknowingly. I always have this dollar with me. I want to give this to you in our special moment. But I think this that moment. Tressure this girl it's like my heart and that too beat for you. I promise you I always with you forever Navya. You're mine Navi, He said looked at me straight into my eyes. Placed kiss on my forehead. I have some tear but it's happy one and blushed to call me as mine.
         He placed kiss on my cheeks. I like your blush wifey he again kissed on my cheeks.
            Then we left. Thats a happiest moment in my life.
              I see otherside of Shiva who is more kind hearted and loving. I don't know I'm worth for him or not but I just thanked to God for giving him to me.  
           This is the most forgettable day in my life we both are know that we loved each other whole heartily but we both didn't tell for expecting the words from our partners.  I try very hard to not confess my love to him.
      (Navi don't know that she is regret for her decision for not to confess her love for him)

 Before 1day of our marriage....
            What the hell is this Navya,  shiva thrown a photos on floor. In every photo I was with different menwith more Intimacy. I only cried. I didn't utter anywords.
             Navi just said it's not true. That's enough for me I believe you you're mine, you didn't do this cheap things, he asked with lot of trust in me.
               I cried a lot. But shiva hugged me okay dr you don't have to say anything. I believe you Navi he placing a kiss on my forehead.
             But I pushed him hard and said yes everything was true. This photos are true , I shouted at him.
              He slapped me hard, why girl why are you lying, I don't believe you, I know you're lying he said hopefully gripping my shoulder.
                Please don't Shiva. I don't love you I just love your status and money. I'm this type of girl okay and I'm love with someone, I shouted at him.
              But he didn't leave me. For first time i saw tears in his eyes.
               For godsake please leave me Shiva. I want to start a fresh life with my love. So please don't disturb me. I said to him angrily.
             No you're lying, again he said in low voice.
             Are you mad or something I don't love you at all. Just hear me damn it. I'm this type of girl and I love someone but he left me after knowing my character. Then you come into my life. So I decided to settle with you for your money.. But now my love his back for me and proposed me this morning itself he is not less than you in status. Look that side he is the one I love I pointed my finger to the person who as handsome as shiva.  Shiva looked at him like lifeless soul.
                  So please me. I just act with you but you believe everything you idiot and you fall for my trick. How can you identify even my friends snd parents also don't know this side of me. If this photos didnt get you. Then I surely runaway with my love. I said to him angrily.
             And I left him in that room. He doesn't look at me. Everyone heard my conversation with him. All are looking at me creepily. No one stops me. I left the place, my family, my love, my shiva......... 
       So guys how is it. Please share your views....your support is most important one for me guys. So pls vote and comments.
         Why Navi left shiva?? Is she really acting all the time??Started to see hate-love relationship
        Thanks for my authors frds amulyaa08 writer_piaa for your wish and support guys

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