Getting permission from Krish

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Navya's pov

I don't know how to get a permission from Krish to work in Shiva's office. I managed to say okay to deal even I don't have any option than this. If Krish know about Shiva then he obviously cancelled this contract. But I can't do this to Krish, after a long time he looked happy. I don't want to rid of his happiness. And Shiva I don't know why he wants me to work for him, but I know one thing for sure he is not happy it's because of me. I always love to see his eyes it's shows a happiness. But now it's only filled with sadness and anger. I promised to myself, how hard it is but I get back my Shiva. My Shiva I smiled.

Oh...what a surprise Navya? Are you alright? Krish asked to me.

What?? I asked to him

You're smiling Navya that too in the absence of Dev. That's what surprise me, he said smilingly.

You're exaggerated, I said to him. He sat besides me.

Krish can I ask something to you? I asked to him.

Anything, he said looking at me.

I decided to work for Mr. Kumar, I said to him.

What?? Why? He asked giving me shocking look.

Today I met him in coffee shop. He asked me to work for him as his PA for three months, I said to him looking down

That's what I asking Navya why you? He can get anyone as his PA then why you? I think there is more in this. Navya. Did you hide something from me? He asked me in doubt.

That's it he caught me. Oh god! How can I managed him, I thought for a second

Oh my grandpa when did you become overprotective Krish, I asked him teasingly to reduce tension in him. But he didn't change his expression. He just giving me questioning look.

Krish cool. Mr. Kumar first asked me to refer PA who is knowledgeable as well as honest. We talk for sometimes about our business that when he asked me to work for him only if I'm okay. He just asked me and I'm the one who said okay to him. He didn't compelled me, I said to him.

But.., Krish asked something before that I stopped him.

No but Krish. I decided to work for him. I want to learn about this construction business and all Krish. And I have lot of flaws in my work. I don't want to work like this. You didn't correct my mistakes Krish because of your caring. If I work for someone else then they correct my mistake and also I learn things from them. They're obviously strict to me but you're not. That's why I decided this, it's only three months Krish, I said to him

But Navya seriously your work is perfect I didn't note any fault on you. I know you didn't know more about construction business but it's not mistake. If you want then I can teach you, he said.

Come on Krish it's only three month and it's also good for our company too. Please please, I said to him

He didn't said anything to me. He went to his room.

Next day

It's Sunday so Krish take me and Dev to shopping. It's our routine to take Dev outing on Sundays. He played on kids section. krish doesn't talk to me from last night. I try to talk to him but all are waste. Evening he dropped me and Dev to home went to hospital. Me and Dev played for sometimes and I make him do his homework.

At 8 Krish came back and played with Dev. And we all ate our dinner. Dev slept on Krish shoulder.

So how did you go to your new office? He asked me.

As usual..., wait what did you say? New office?? I asked him happily

Yes that's what you decided mam then what did I say, he said

Krish please I know why you didn't allow me but I want to change, I said to him

Okay Navya, if you think then you can. Just remember Navya, you're not alone and please forget your past and move on Navi, he said to me caressing my hair.

I smiled at him he side hugged me.

I asked our office driver to drop you on Shiva's office, he said

I'm not a child Krish and I can use my scooty, I said.

No way, its really far away from our home, he said.

Hey... Krish I'm employee not a boss. So please and I promise you I can take care of me, I said.

At last you didn't accept anything I said, he asked.

Krish, I said childish

Just go but take care, he said to me.

I smiled and went to my room with Dev.

Next day

I did my work and made Dev to have his food, Krish went to us.

So Dev kanaa today maa go to new office. Wish her luck, he said to Dev.

Really maa? he asked

Yes kanaa, I said to kissing his cheeks.

He kissed my cheeks and said, all the best maa.

Thank you Dev and don't be adamant to nanny, I said to him.

Okay maa, he said hugging me.

Then shall we go Dev, he asked

Then maa? Dev asked.

Mom went on her scooty Dev, Krish

Mom can I go with you please? Dev asked me

I don't know what to say. I never say no to my baby.. I looked at Krish he give me assuring smile

Dev if she drop you then maa is going to late for her work. If she late then her new boss scolded your maa. If it's okay for you, Krish asked to Dev.

Noo, he literally shouted.

Then come and said bye to maa, Krish said smilingly

Bye maa, Dev said to me.

Bye Dev kanna, I said hugging him

At last I went to his office at 9.15 His office room at 5th floor. I knocked his door and went inside.

Good morning sir, I said to him.

He didn't looked at me and said, you're 16 mins late Mrs. Gupta.


How r u guys?? Be safe guys...

There is a important thing in this chapter guys. Guess what it is

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