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Arjun's Pov

It's become two days after that incident Shiva didn't leave his room for once. I don't know what happening between Shiva and Navya I asked him many times but he doesn't reply. From his face I confirm one thing he's upto something. I too didn't leave him this two days I know he didn't mind me or tell me anything. But at least stay with him make me relaxed. My thoughts are cut off by calling bell. I went to open the door.

Rahul?? I asked. He's one of the employee in our Mumbai branch. But what he was doing here

Good morning sir, he said

Morning. What are you doing here? I asked

Shiva sir asked me to bring his passport and visa. He left in his Delhi guest house, he said

Give it to me. I will pass it, I said

He gave it to me and left.

Now what he's planning. I sighed and went to Shiva's room. He was in balcony

What's this Shiva? I asked showing his passport

He looked at me and his passport.

Give me that, he said

First answer my question, I said

Passport, he said

Do you think I'm a crazy. Why the hell you want your passport now? I shouted at him

I go to foreign, he said

Where? I asked. Again he remains silent

How many days? I asked. Again he's silent

Is Navya said anything? I asked

Navya! Navya! Navya! . Always her.. Why? Is my world only revolves around her? Or I don't have anything to do? He shouted like mad

Shiva I didn't mean.., before I said he punch me on my face. I didn't expect that.

What the.... , I stopped in between looking at his eyes.

His eyes glistening he sat on the floor completely broken. This is the second time I saw him cry. First time on his marriage when Navi left. Even that time his eyes shows anger and disappointment. But this time it's different it's shows pain and hurt.. For the first I saw him like this. This not the Shiva I know. I don't know when my eyes have tears.

Shiva, I said and sat besides him

He hugged me tightly but I know he cried on my shoulder. I didn't said anything just hugged him back

Time flies but no one talks.

Arjun I decided to take some break, he said

From what? I asked

Everything, he said slowly

I sighed. Okay, I said

He immediately turned to my side. I know he doesn't expect my answer like this

Let's go Shiva, I said

What? He asked

I too want break seriously now a days I felt void. Moreover we already achieved our goal then what? Let's go around the world, I said

Don't be joking, he said annoyingly

Do you think I'm joking? I asked with serious face

I don't want anyone besides me, he said

Then I come before or after you, I said

Not funny, he said

I smiled.

Shiva do you know who I respect and trust the most in this world? I asked him

He nodded is head as no.

Unfortunately it's you Shiva. You're my well wisher. Of course our friends, your mom and brothers are stand for me and helped me to overcome my critical times. But you're the one who stay with me those two years completely. You stay with me without uttering any words just take all my tantrums. I'm always grateful for it.. Now I want to do that for you. Don't think I do this as my thankingness. It's my friendship Shiva. Just like you did for me before, I said slowly

Idiot you're talking too much today but surprisingly I felt relaxed. But let me leave alone da I'm fine don't worry, he said

Heyyyy that's not a main reason if you leave like this no one spare me then will definitely kill me with their questions especially media they think we're in living relationship. If you leave alone then they cook new stories like we're divorced, I said to him seriously

He burst out loud. After long time we talk like this

Are you sure? He asked

More than sure, I said

Let's see, he said. And we become silent

Don't you ask why I decided this? He asked

If you're comfortable then you can share with me anytime, I said

First I thought she cheated me that time I only wanted to forgot her. After seeing her I want to see her in pain. But whom I'm joking I can't even see hurt in her eyes. After that I don't know how or when I started to believe her importantly her eyes. The only thing I see or feel her is love and care for me. I believe she may be had some reason to leave me years back. I must believed her that day that's the one I regret the most. Again my love for her is started to bloom. For some reason I thought maybe she's not happy so I decided to make her happy in her life. But reality is far away. I can't even see her with Krish. It's make me breathless. More importantly I can't digest the fact she's mother for Krish child. Every time I see her with Krish I wanted to kill him I wanted to protect her from everyone I don't want anyone to see her. Now I know the reason for her misery that too for me. She's hurt to see me like this because of guilt. Even now too like a idiot I believe she loves me. I think my love changed into obsession. If this situation continues I definitely do something wrong. That's why I take this decision, he said everything crystal clear

Can I ask you one thing Shiva? I asked

Hmmm, I said.

Do you regret the time when you met Navya? I asked hesitantly

Never, he said confidently

Before leave just once meet Navya bid farewell this time for good, I said

I too want to do that, he said


Hi everyone 😀👋👋👋

How r u guys sry for the "Late Late Late update"

Pls share your views. Seriously from next chapter onwards you guys can see a good vibes😎... Wait for that

Unedited update this is so pls forgive for mistakes

Next chapter is Monday

Tataaa❤ stay healthy and be happy😁😊

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