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Shiva's Pov

Me and Arjun is waiting for Navi in our office gate. Today I left everything and everyone.. We booked flight for USA but I don't want Arjun too lose his life.. He just tell me that he doesn't have any goal but I know how much he want to run this business he just left everything for me. But I don't want ruined him. So I decided to left him in Airport.. I booked flight for Italy without his knowledge

Hey what are you thinking? He asked

Planning to get rid of you, I said

Then don't. It's never happened wifey, he said

Drama queen, I whispered

Surely I miss him like hell. He's always with me in every phase of my life.... He's the one who I share anything and everything in this world, I thought and sighed

That time Navya and Piya came in scooty.

We stopped them from entering into office

Piya looked at me and Arjun annoyed but Navi didn't even looked at us. She looked very pale

What do you want now? Piya asked us Irritatingly

I want to talk to Navya for 10 minutes, I said

Go to the hell an.. I mean Shiva, piya said. I looked at Arjun. He nodded

Piya I want to talk to you something important, he said

But I don't want. Please leave otherwise I complaint both of you, Piya said

Hey come with me, Arjun said dragged Piya with him. She shouted at him but he doesn't heard anything at all. All this time Navi didn't even looked at anything

Spare me 10 minutes Navya I want to talk to you. May be this is my last talk with you, I said she looked at me confused

But never said anything and we went to coffee shop.

For five minutes I never talk anything just looking at her. After all this our last meeting. But I don't think she's well.

Are you alright. I mean you're not looking well, I said

I'm fine, she said in monotone.

Okay Navya. I want to say you two thing Navya, I said she keenly looking at me

Thanks! Thanks for coming into my life.  Thanks for making me felt special Navya. And sorry! Sorry for not believing you and hurting you. Even you say you're not loyal or something I'm not gonna to believe that. But I must believe you from that time that's the only thing I regret the most, I said looking into her eyes they are glistening in tears now too in only feel her love

I'm going to leave..., before I said she started to spin her head

Hey! What's wrong Navi? Is everything okay? I asked went to her side

Suddenly she's unconscious before she fell I scooped her and went to car

Both Arjun and Piya joined with me.

What happened to her? I asked piya

She's very much cold surely looking like anemic

She's ill, Piya said with tears in her eyes.

Then why the hell she comes to office, Arjun yelled at her

That the time I spot something I wish to see in her for life long......

We went to hospital and admit her my full concentration are in what I saw before.. Oh god what is this now??

Piya is too looking serious. Arjun went to stand besides her.

Tied up with you forever my love❤Where stories live. Discover now