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Uncle Rick ships it, so will I.

Plus, I luv this idea of Theyna!

I would never admit.

Never. To anyone. Never.


FINE! I like Reyna. She is just soo...

"Thalia?" someone asked. My eyes widen.

"YES?" I ask, remembering that I was at lunch.

Reyna was looking at me.

Gods her black eyes were so cuteee....

"Are you going to eat that?" Leo asked. I looked down at my sandwich and pushed it towards him. He smiled and ate it all up.

"You need to eat!" Will said. Was he talking to me?

"Who are you talking to?" I asked him defensively.

"Well, lets see, everyone is eating but you." he said.

"Fine." I said, taking the other half of my sandwich back.

"HEY!" Leo said, his mouth full.

"You've been acting bothered lately anyways. Whats going on, Thalia?" Reyna asked sweetly.

"I like someone." I sighed, knowing it is very obvious when I lie.

"Who?" Piper asked immediately.

"ER-" I blushed.

"WHO?" Piper asked louder.

"NOBODY!" I said back, equal tone. My cheeks reddened.

"You like someone?" Reyna asked me. She rarely talked to anyone besides me.

"Yeah." Yeah, you! I wanted to say.

But I didn't.

"Oh." she sounded kind of-

"Reyna, why do you sound so upset about that? Are you-" Jason began, but was cut of by Piper's loud ship name.

"THEYNA, OMG!" she shouted.

My eyes widened as she smirked. Reyna looked at her hesitantly, her black hair covering half her face.


"Gods she looks so cute." I mutter out loud.

Everything goes quiet.

I snap out of my trance and see everyone staring at me.

UH-OH. I said that aloud!

"THEYNA!" everyone shouts.

Reyna looks at me hesitantly.


I stand up, silently telling her to follow. She does.

We enter the girls bathroom and lock the door.

"Hey Reyna." I said.

"Thalia." she said.


Usually her voice is hard and guarded, but now...

Her voice was light and soft.

"Want to go on a date this weekend?" I blurt out.

Reyna actually blushed. She nodded.

"Sunday, I'll pick you up." she said.

I smiled at her as she left.

Goode High School [Percy Jackson AU]Where stories live. Discover now