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whatsername • green day

"I have news I'd like you to pass along," Dumbledore took a seat behind his desk, sighing as he sat. "I know he will be getting fed up with the lack of communication between you and himself."

"Right," Addy nodded. He offered her a candy, she took it gratefully. "He said I'd have to send my father letters, who'd pass them on." She said. Dumbledore let out a low chuckle.

"He was always one to use others to the fullest extent." He theorized, looking down at his hands. "Now, I understand the likelihood of danger in your situation. I'll give you and Severus different information to pass along, so he feels like he can rely on you both." She gave a brief nod.

"Is this information going to put anyone in danger?" She asked, leaning forward. "I understand the importance of why we have to tell him, I just fear that someone will be harmed because of my doing."

"No, Adalinda. We will tell him the bare minimum, only giving him enough to think he has advantage." He explained. She gave a slow nod, understanding what he was saying. "So, for now, I'll have you tell him that the prophecy is constantly being guarded. Late in the summer, we came to the conclusion he must be on the hunt to retrieve the actual prophecy made about himself and Harry. In our attempts to keep it safe, we constantly have someone in the department of mysteries. This is to ensure he cannot take it himself, though it would be gravely foolish for him to show his face in the ministry."

"His snake," she thought. "He might use Nagini to get inside and retrieve it. Will it work that way?" She asked. He let out a grumble of uncertainty, pondering about the statement.

"Perhaps," he gave a slight nod. "We'll have to keep an eye out for it." He said. "For now, I want you to tell him what I told you, that we know he's trying to infiltrate the department of mysteries, that we have people watching over it. He'll be pleased to know you were let in on the secret." She went to stand, but he stopped her. "Now, has your brother made a decision yet?" He questioned.

"Not yet, but I assume he will do whatever our father wants. He hasn't got much of a mind to his own." She said, sadly. "He doesn't know about what I'm really doing. I don't think his mind will be as safe as mine."

"A wise decision," he complimented. "I've noticed you've been going out of your circle of friends, branching." His lips upturned into a smile.

"Yes, well, I've gotten a bit of permission to do so. My parents believe it's on orders. What they don't know won't hurt them." She gave a soft smile, not fully agreeing with her words. In fact, her relationships that were blossoming could hurt her family very much.

"Well, everyone is talking about the kind young woman you've become. Even the professors have been exceptionally pleased with you this year." He informed her. "Though, I know my decision as making you Head Girl was fitting, might I put in a request?" He asked. She nodded, allowing him to question further. "Please tell the twins to lay off Mr. Filch, he's getting quite angered. On another note, tell them their antics toward Umbridge are highly entertaining and encouraged." He gave another smile as she stood to leave.

"Will do, Professor. Thank you." She went to the stairs, almost running down them. She wanted to eat before everyone else so she could get that letter to her father. When she reached the bottom, a storm of pink turned the corner. She tried to turn the other way in hopes that she would ignore her.

"Hem, hem." She let out a quiet groan as she turned to face Umbridge herself. "Ms. Malfoy," she called, walking a little faster. "Might I ask what you were doing in Dumbledore's office?" She questioned.

"I believe that's private information, Professor. Some things are better kept between two people."

"Sorry, dear, but under the new educational decree, as high inquisitor, I have the authority to question students about any illicit activities. I'm afraid that it would be a disobedience to the ministry if you refuse to answer." She pipped. Addy had to refrain from rolling her eyes.

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