Chapter 22

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Andrea was shooting questions left and right as I was attempting to eat my cereal. Perched on the chair at the far end of the kitchen island, my spoon was just centimetres from my mouth as she asked a question that halted me in my tracks. "What if you head out to a mall to buy some extra clothing today? I would love to get you some more that you can call your own."

Xavier's mother had been like this since she'd come to check on my foot around ten this morning. She informed me that everything looked to be on track with the healing process and that I would simply need to wear an air boot to walk around on it. Though the boot felt clunky as it encased my shin I was glad Xavier would no longer have to wait on me at all hours.

My voice stammered at the question, in tune with my uneven heartbeat. The thought of conquering a mall was daunting but not nearly as much as it was just weeks ago. My anxiety managed to seep through the wall I was attempting to build, cracks still making it into the foundation. "I'm not sure, do you think I'm ready for something like that?"

I continued on with my cereal while awaiting for a response, though it didn't take long. Andrea shot me a motherly smile that sent warmth through me, her eyes showing her determination.

"Of course I do, dear. You've managed to grow so much in the last month you've been here and I have no doubt this is the next best thing for you to conquer."

My lips upturned at her words, in awe of the amount she believed in me. It managed to give me strength to say yes, though I had one important factor I needed before I could go through with it. Swallowing my mouth's contents I questioned, "Will Xavier be coming with me?"

As if on cue, Xavier and his father came strolling through the entryway causing my heart to palpitate. I was unsure of the reason but I had a feeling it was a combination of my lingering anxiety of Carter and the sight of my mate.

Xavier's eyes skimmed the room before they landed on me, sending a toothy smile my way. I quickly diverted my gaze, still feeling awkward around him. It had been a week since the night I threw myself into his arms making me embarrassed by my actions. I had never been so touchy with a man and the ease that came with Xavier both scared and excited me. Despite the fact I wasn't avoiding Xavier this past week, I was definitely turning into a tomato more often.

As Andrea began to speak, my mate's eyes shifted to his mother's. "I suggested that Anna go shopping for some new clothing and she was wondering if you were coming with her."

My head ducked down to my cereal bowl as I swirled my spoon around in the milk, in need of a distraction. By this point, Carter had joined his mate on the far side of the counter making me feel more comfortable as he maintained a distance. Xavier had yet to reply but the echo of his shoes smacking against the floor signaled he was nearing my chair. He popped up to the left of me and sent an endearing look my way that I caught under my eyelashes.

"Would you like me to go with you, Sunshine?" He stated as he leaned his forearms on top of the island, placing his face closer to mine.

I briefly brought my gaze to his before stating, "Only if you want to."

Pearly whites came onto display, showing his clear happiness at my words. "Then it's settled, I'll come with. I know you may not be comfortable with the mall so do you want me to invite Mason and Theo as well just so you have familiar faces around?"

At the mention of the two names my head shot up to his, all embarrassment thrown out the window due to my barely contained excitement. Mason and Theo were currently tied with Andrea for my trust levels, putting them just under Xavier. The two had wormed their way into my heart only after a few occasions of hanging out and I had been wanting to see them again. They were my first friends and I didn't want to waste any time while I tried catching up on eighteen years of loneliness. "Please! That'd be great!"

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