Chapter 26

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I'm so sorry. I never meant to disappear for a week with no updates but I just needed a break, you know? The world's state and my personal life has just weighed heavily this past week. Though I wish it could be different, my mental health has to come first and I also never want writing to become a simple chore in my day. Writing is something that's aiding my mental health and this past week it simply would have worsened it, if that makes sense. I hope you guys understand! ❤️

Flopping down on the bed I let out a sigh of relief, sinking into the comfort of the sheets. It was around two o'clock in the evening and I was absolutely beat.

I had started off the day early at eight when Xavier woke me up for breakfast with his parents and his Betas. I only had about ten minutes to prepare myself for the day, considering Xavier's parents had plans to attend.

It started with Andrea talking my ear off about anything and everything, from how Xavier was treating me to how my leg was feeling as she removed the air cast this morning. Still half asleep I tried to keep up but I'm unsure how much I actually responded to. Once Carter and Andrea left for their day plans Mason and Theo took over, running me all around the pack. They walked me around the large expansion of their lands, continuously talking as they pointed out places they formed memories at.

Let's just say I stopped them from telling me when they ventured into their make out locations. I didn't need to know that nor did I need them to continue down their scale of inappropriateness.

Next I was led to the pack library, a room I never knew existed before today. It was a beautiful open space with book shelf after book shelf lining each corner and inch of the walls. Couches and tables retained space in the center, filling the room with a feeling of coziness and comfort. Once I had stared open-mouthed long enough at the room presented to me, Theo and Mason proceeded to lead me to one of the shelves. The next few hours consisted of reading and attempting to retain the pack's history as the couple continuously tried to connect the never-ending web of the werewolf world.

Though I found it to be extremely fascinating, it had managed to wear me out and I was ready for a nap. I had yet to see Xavier since breakfast while he busily worked away in his office. I decided not to disturb him considering he had been spending more time with me than his work.

Without bothering to change I adjusted the comforter as it fell on my form, encasing me with warmth. Rolling onto my side with my hands resting next to my head it only took a matter of minutes before I faded into dreamland.

Entering the room, my parents 'tsk'ed as they crossed their arms. I was cowering away in the corner of my room that was slowly turning in to one I could barely recognize.

"Anna, what did we tell you?" My father's voice was hard and strict as his personality seeped through his tone. His form paced across the floor while the pair remained a good ten feet away from me. But from the way things were changing so quickly I knew that wouldn't last long.

My tear stained cheeks were once again becoming replenished by the water flowing down my face. My form began to shake as they approached slowly, like a predator does its prey. I had to plead my case to them. Maybe they would understand. My lips trembled as the words came stuttering out. "I-I'm sorry, I just don't understand! Why are you taking all of my toys away, a-and my bedroom stuff? What did I do?" I tried to wipe the tears as they flowed. "I didn't mean to talk to the man in the living room he just asked me a question! I thought I was supposed to be nice to people you have over." My eleven-year old voice came out in a confused whisper as I couldn't process what was happening.

Before I knew it my father stood in front of me, grasping my arm roughly. Heaving me to my feet he threw me onto my bed right as he sent a sharp pain jolting through my cheek. With my head turned to the side I couldn't even begin to process what had just happened. I curled into a ball as a sob escaped my lips, finally processing the fact that my father had just slapped me.

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