Chapter 30

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Sitting in Xavier's lap, my hands fiddled in tune with the darting of my eyes back-and-forth across the kitchen. From the moment Xavier woke me up this morning I've been nervous about the fact that I would be meeting his pack today. I wasn't sure if I was totally ready but I knew for sure that it was something I needed to do, not only for myself but for Xavier.

Though that was my mindset, the nerves still wiggled their way into my head, resulting in my immobile position from Xavier's lap. I refused to move, even when Andrea served up our breakfast plates or when Mason and Theo chuckled at my actions. Xavier seemed content that I wouldn't move however, beaming at me every time he had to reach around me to eat his pancakes.

I slowly ate the delicious food in front of me despite wanting to hide myself in Xavier's neck and never come out. I wonder if he would mind if I found another way to meet the pack? How about I stay up in our room and he takes a video for me? That sounds like a great plan.

"You okay there, Sunshine?" Xavier diverted himself from his conversation with Theo to look at me, the concern clearly written on his face.

Sighing, I smiled. "Yeah, I think so. But don't be surprised if I hide behind you the entire time I meet the pack. Maybe I'll just yell hello over your shoulder and we can call it a day."

Xavier chuckled at my hopeful expression before pressing a kiss to my forehead. I leaned into it, basking in the feeling. I didn't fail to catch the knowing looks sent our way from everyone at the table, making me suspicious of what they thought they knew.

"I don't think that would work very well. But you can hold onto me until you're comfortable enough to let go." He flashed that cheeky smile of his. "And if you aren't at all, I won't complain one bit."

"Boooo, stop with the lovey dovey shit you're going to make me throw up my breakfast." Mason dramatically stated as he wrapped his hands around his throat and made retching sounds.

Theo quickly hit his mate's shoulder with a bewildered look on his face. "Are you kidding me? You're a hypocrite for saying that, you can't even keep your hands off of me for five seconds." He turned back to his pancakes, cutting off a small piece. "Let the two be, they're adorable."

I blushed at the compliment as Andrea jumped in with a nod of her head. "Leave my babies alone, Mason, don't make me take that breakfast away from you."

Mason's mouth fell open as he moved his plate protectively into his arms. "Wow, Andrea." He scoffed. "I thought I was your favourite. I see I've been replaced." Turning his head up to the ceiling he crossed his arms, the dramatics coming in full swing.

Xavier and I were shaking as we tried to contain our laughs, drinking in the odd sight in front of us. Andrea's eyes were bright with amusement as she stared at Mason. Jumping out of her chair she walked over to him as she began to coo, wrapping her arms around his form. "Oh, my poor sweet baby, you'll be alright. There's more than enough room for all of you to be my favourites." As she smothered his face in kisses and pinches, the whole table broke into laughter at the whole situation.

I was glad as it broke the growing anxiety I had. I was filled with joy as I finally knew; these are my people.


Pacing across the grass, I began to wring my hands together while Xavier watched me. We were currently hiding behind the wall of the pack house, away from the prying eyes trying to catch a glimpse of me. Xavier asked all of the pack members to meet in the large plain of grass that stood between the pack house and the forest. I could hear the excited chatter buzzing through the crowd, making me more anxious for the hundreds of faces I was about to encounter.  

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