Chapter 8

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The moonlight glistened through the window as I gazed up at the moon. I was on my side as I laid under the covers, all curled up. There was something about the moon that was so calming and peaceful to me. It typically could lull me to sleep in minutes like I was hoping it would do now, but it didn't seem likely at this rate.

My body was exhausted from the earlier encounter but for some reason my brain was wide awake. It was like this pull was forcing my eyes open, watching and waiting for something to occur.

So far nothing had happened unless you wanted to count the growing bags under my eyes.

I got so lost in my thoughts that I almost didn't register my door squeaking open. I glanced in the mirror that was placed by the window, giving me a look at the intruder. From the burly stature I could only guess it was Xavier as the darkness of the room covered his features.

I evened out my breathing to the best of my ability as some fear trickled through me. If he thinks I'm asleep, he won't be afraid to reveal his true intentions with me.

Even though over these past couple of days he has shown me no harm I still wasn't capable of letting my guard down. There was the office mishap but other than that he hadn't done anything. I didn't want, nor need to be hurt once again however so I would take my chances at testing him.

My eyes fluttered shut as he crept along the side of the bed I was facing. My heart rate increased but luckily for me, I kept my breathing steady.

The bed gently groaned under his weight as he sat beside my dormant form. I felt the blanket move as he lifted it from my body only to place it back down under my chin, it's softness encasing me.

This is definitely not what I was expecting when this man came into my room in the middle of the night. All I had ever known is that when I was in a bedroom with a man, they wanted one thing and one thing only; sex. Not to ensure I was staying warm in the middle of the night.

This man was an enigma to me. No one of his size or gender had ever treated me as he was right now. I had no idea what to think. Was it going to last like this? Would Xavier always be so gentle and kind with me?

His body heat radiated off of him as he leaned closer to me. It was almost unbearable, knowing how close he was to me and not being able to decipher what he was doing. I wanted to look at him and I would soon get my wish.

Sparks ran through me as his hand made its way to my hair, brushing it away from my face. My eyelids fluttered open against my will as I let out a small gasp. There were those sparks again. I didn't understand, what were they and why do I only feel them with him?

His hand fell from my hair, breaking me out of my thought process as he realized I was awake. I focused in on his face as I looked at him.

"What are you doing, Xavier?" My voice was a quiet whisper as I voiced my curiosity.

My eyes widened as I took in his features. A blush began to form across his cheeks as he turned away from me. How did I manage to get him to blush? I've never seen a man like him blush at something so small. He cleared his throat before he spoke. "I didn't think you'd still be awake."

I was a little disappointed by the short answer but nodded anyway. Silence enveloped us as we stayed unmoving. I didn't want to push him for answers and make him angry with me. After a few minutes I began to question if he was going to leave or not but my thoughts were interrupted by his voice.

"I wanted to make sure you were sleeping, especially after that nightmare you had last night." He turned to face the window as he examined the moon. "You also calm me down. I was doing some of my Alp- my work and I was getting stressed so I came to make sure you were okay."

A crease formed between my brows as I rested my head on the crook of my arm. Despite my fear my curiosity was winning as this man confused the hell out of me. "What do you mean? You barely even know me, how could I calm you down?"

He gave a small smile as he looked at me. "That's for another day. Why aren't you asleep? I figured you would be out after the whole office incident."

A look of guilt passed on his features as he looked directly into my eyes. It was too intense. Somehow those eyes held so much power, so much emotion, that it was hard to maintain eye contact.

I simply shrugged as my gaze adverted back to the moon. It was full tonight as it's brightness crossed the large expansion of the night sky. "I'm not sure. My mind is wide awake but the rest of me just wants to sleep. It's like I have a force making me stay awake; like it's waiting for something. But now that I think about it, it's gone." Why was I voicing my thoughts to him? Why do I feel so comfortable around him when I barely even know him?

A smirk consumed his features as his eyes glinted with a knowing look. "Good," he whispered so lowly I almost didn't hear him.

I almost felt safe sitting here with Xavier, practically revealing all of my thoughts to him. My body was relaxed from any defensive position and my emotions weren't spiking. I wanted to question why I was baring my soul to him so willingly and not freaking out every time he shifted his position. Maybe it was my exhausted state or maybe I was just beginning to trust Xavier. But that scared me more than ever as I had never trusted anyone in my life.

I didn't want to end up in the same position as I did with my parents. However, something inside of me told me that I could trust Xavier with anything. Even my life if it ever came to it.

We remained silent, examining each other along with the moon for a long while. The pull seemed to disintegrate as we sat near each other, something I was grateful for. The silence wasn't awkward with him. It allowed me to get used to his presence and his build which would hopefully help with my fear of him. I wanted to give him a chance. My only hope was that he really was different from everyone else.

My body was in a state of paralysis as the tiredness began to settle in. Now that the pull had dissipated, my eyelids were struggling to remain open and Xavier took note of this.

He brought his hand near my face and I didn't even have the energy to flinch away. I briefly felt the sparks as he ran his hands through my hair again. And oddly enough, I found myself leaning into his touch as a sigh of relief escaped me. It most definitely had to be the tiredness as never in my fully conscious state would I be able to let him do this without a panic attack consuming me whole.

"Get some rest, Anna. Sleep well." His hand slipped away from my hair after brushing it all away from my face and tucking it behind my ear.

I muttered a few words in agreement as I bid him goodnight. His touch only seemed to pull me further into the abyss of sleep.

Xavier's footsteps could be heard as he removed himself from the bed, heading in the direction of the door.

With his hand resting on the doorknob, he whispered out, "Goodnight, mate."


I hope this is to your liking, I quite enjoyed writing this Anna and Xavier scene. Please leave me a comment on your thoughts, good or bad so I know how I'm doing.

Also can I just say THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!! This book has reached 300 reads and that is so amazing to me!

Anyway I was wondering, when was the best time for me to update for you guys? At night or in the morning? Please tell me what suits you best so these can be the best updates possible!!

xx kerfuffled_

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