Chapter Two

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This shit usually starts with the alarm clocks first day of school crap but that is not how this works. This is not some crapy little fan-fiction it's a story. It is my story.

I don't know I'm not that type of person with that perfect life that thinks it is horrible. I mean sure I am typical I have a crush. I have a best friend. I go to school. I am just not fake shit. Enough of this shit lets get to the story.

Right now I'm sitting in class. Bored as hell. My teacher explaining some math problem to the class that I already know the answer to. I am not surprised when my teacher picks me to answer, while my hand is raised in the air. I always answer, I would rather just say the right answer then waiting forever for somebody else to get it.

"69." I respond with giggling in the back. Jesus people need to grow up.

At this part of the story I am in grade 5 the school year just began and I hate this year already.

I am not some downer kid. I am actually very outgoing, which sometimes is weird.

I have to say I am a try hard. I want to popular. I will pretty much do anything. Ya I know why but honestly I have no clue why I try so hard.

I finnish my work by lunch. When the bell rings I get out of my seat. I can already tell this is going to be a long day.

I go to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. My hair is so gross. I hate my body. But hey if I just play along and pretend popularity will come my way. I am snapped out of my thoughts when the lunch bell rings, indicating lunch is over.

As I leave the bathroom and walk back to class I clear my mind. When I walk in everyone lifts their heads from their paper, looks at me and then looks back down. I walk over to my seat and wait for the bell to ring.


"Mom, why can't I go see dad, he is sick and I haven't seen him in forever."

"Steph, end of discussion. You will see your father when he get better!" My mom tries to say as calm as possible

"I haven't seen him in months tho, with him being in the freaking army shipped over sea all the time!" I yell. I stand from the dinner table and run to my room.

"Watch yo-" The sound of my moms voice is cut off when I slam my door shut.

I grab a picture of my dad and stare at for a while. He is my own father why can't I see him. All I hear is how he is sick. He is getting worse. He has lung cancer which was getting better and now has come back worse. All I want is to see my dad. To see him in person. Not on some shitty piece if paper with ink on it in an old wooden frame.

I hear a knock at my door and stop pouting. I'm not a big cryer. Never have been never with be. I just sit a scream and swear and pout.

"What do you want?" I yell

The door opens and my older brother walks in, "Here I brought up your food if you are hungry." he sets the food on my desk.

"Liam, why can't I just see dad even just once?"

He sighs and sits down on my bed next to me, "I don't know, if I had control here. I would let you see him whenever you want."

He hugs me and I sigh. Liam is just like but older. He is 17, grade 11. I .would say he is a "babe magnet" so his friends call him. But those other girls are not nearly as important as me.

"Are you okay?" he ask and lets go

"Ya, I will be fine." I fake a smile

Liam stands and leaves my room shutting the door behind him. He always makes me feel better.


After school I go up to my room. I get ready for soccer and run downstairs. Mom usually takes me but she has been at the hospital a lot.

"Steph come on I have work but mom talked to Jasmines mom and they will bring you to soccer practice." Liam tells me.

Im not super close with Jasmine. But we are friends you could say.

When we get the their house Liam walks me to the door. Once I take off my jacket there is a knock at the door.

"Hi sorry, my car won't start, I was wondering if Jimmy could take a look, I am going to be so late for work!"

"Dad!" calls Jasmine,"Help liam with his car!"

The two men walk out the door and me and Jasmine walk up to her room. She has been showing me her pets for an hour now.

Her mom calls us down for dinner. We eat pogo sticks and french fries. While we eat I find myself talking about my dad.

After we are finnish Jasmine goes up to her room and gets ready for soccer. When she is done we drive to the school we are practicing at.

We practice in a gym since it has already started to snow. We park beside A familiar car. When we get out I realize it is my brothers.

We walk around and he is leaning against his truck. He should be at work. I drop my bag. Dad died.

"Steph I already talked to your coach, we are going home Zia Maggie is waiting for us there."

I grab my bag and sit in the car. I look out the window and see Jasmines mom hug my brother. Dad died.

The car ride home is silent. I look out on the street lights as my brother speeds through the streets.

When I get home my aunts car is park in the driveway. Don't cry.

We get in the house and my aunt gathers us in my old play room. I am surprised to see my older sister, Natalie here she is 22 and in college.

I sit down alone in the corner of the room on a small chair. I want to be left alone. My siblings come sit beside me. I decide to not freak out on them.

"You three know your father is sick, he loves you all very much. And he would do anything for you. You guys know that right?" My aunts asks the three of us.

"Yes" respond Natalie and Liam

"Stephanie?" she looks at me and I nod.

"He loves you all very much. And is watching over you right now. He is in a better place now."

My sister and brother are both crying. Stay strong, stay strong. I feel a single tear stream down my cheek and wipe it away. I feel for more but there is none.

I may just be in shock that it. I stand and sit a the stool.

"Are you okay?" My zia asks me

I don't move.

"He is in heaven and won't suffer anymore." She assures me again

I didn't get to say goodbye, and now my dad is dead.

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