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"...i can work as a stripper at his strip club and seduce him so that i can kill him." you told him your plan and he sat there observing you "what do you think?" you asked, "why do you want to help me?" he asked "i just told you, i want to be useful to you." you said and he stood up walking up to you, the space between you two is so little.

"why do you want to be useful to me?" he asked, you looked up and met his gaze, instead of meeting a cold stare his eyes softened looking at you "well- um, because im your wife?" you said but it came of as question y/n why you nervous all of a sudden?  you thought to yourself

"is marriage really that serious to you?" he asked sitting back down again finally i can breath  you said in your head "yes it is, i take it very seriously." you said and grabbed the towel before and dampened it again with warm water.

you walked back to him and kneeled in between him legs "so while im still your wife, let me be useful to you." you said and continued to wipe the blood off his knuckles.

"fine, come to the shower with me then." he commanded and your eyes widened, you looked up "h-h-huh?" you stuttered "i dont wanna leave you out here because of our situation." He said and you sat there trying to figure out if he is serious.

"Just sit in the toilet as i take a shower so that i can know where you are." He said oh he is serious you thought to yourself, he grabbed your wrist making you stand up and he dragged you to the bathroom.

He opened the bathroom and slammed it shut, he put the toilet cover down and sat you down on the toilet.

"Stay here do not go outside without me." He said and you nodded, he started undressing and you immediately looked at him no look away y/n thats weird you thought to yourself as your tried to not stare.

He hopped in the shower with his boxers, he turned on the shower as you see him hanging his boxers on the shower rod holy shit he's naked you thought to yourself as you fidget with your wedding ring.

You looked at your wedding ring as you forgot that you were actually legally married and he gave you a fake ring as he wore a fake ring as well.

You never thought you would get married like this you had the right to refuse this offer but for some reason you didn't.

You felt like you had a purpose with him, like as if you guys were supposed to be destined together.

"Thats bullshit y/n." You whispered to yourself, "i deserve a much more better wedding and man." You whispered.

You shrugged and rest your elbows on your thighs and rested your head on your hands "let me help this man before we separate." You whispered to yourself.

The shower stopped making you snap out of your thoughts that was fast you thought to yourself.

V opened the shower curtain and looked at you "what?" You asked.

"Come in the shower with me." He said

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