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You woke up at your stomach grumbling, you have not eaten a proper meal ever since you got here, you only ate snacks "finally you're awake." you looked at the door and saw taehyung coming in the room carrying take out food.

you quickly got up and snatched the food out of his hands "finally i can get to eat a proper meal." you said as you sat down on the bed and started eating the hashbrown and pancakes, taehyung opened the curtain making sunlight enter the room.

you vividly the events last night, the way he held your hands and kissed it made you see him differently now.

you saw him more as a husband now than your kidnapper.

"why are you looking at me like that." taehyung asked as you snapped out of your thoughts "looking at you like what?" you asked "like you love me or something." he said sitting down next to you not breaking eye contact.

"i never did that." you chuckled nervously, looking away "yeah sure." he said as you felt something getting thrown at you "hurry up and changed we only have one more night in this motel." he said and looked at what he thrown at you. 

"this clothes is too revealing Taehyung." you said "you need that for our plan." he said while eating his breakfast "but this is just... too much." you said "you have to stand out." he said as you looked at the revealing one piece suit he bought you for the gentlemen's club.

"and also i thought you're rich? you cant afford one more night or something?" i asked  

he put his fork down and sighed "amber took all my money in all my cards, i only have 5,000 in cash on me right now." he said and you looked away. 

"you're all i have right now y/n." he said as he looked at your eyes with lust, you was taken a back from this action. 

does he feel the same way as I do?

you questioned in your head but one thing you know is for certain.

you have to tell him how you feel soon...


"can i ask what is this about?" a stripper at the strip club asked taehyung "no questions sweetie just give my wife your id." he sternly said as he paid the stripper his remaining money just for her id.

"fine bye sweet face." the stripper said as she took the money and walked away, tae looked at you "y/n you better not fuck this up i have nothing." he said "i wont." you said as he walked away to enter at the front door as you walk in at the side door of the strip club.

you walked in and the victoria secret perfumes hit your nose as this was the stripper's locker room, everybody was doing their own thing nobody was really talking.

 you casually walked towards your assigned desk, you and tae picked the day where everyone has to put masquerade masks on for the theme so that people will not recognize you and tae. here. you put on my mask "alright ladies, everyone get on stage and get ready to rack up that money!" a girl with a big poofy blonde hair yelled as everyone started getting excited.

you looked at yourself in the mirror i cant fuck this up not right now tae is depending on me  you gave yourself a pep talk before going on stage.

"analyn!" the girl with a big poofy hair called "your name" you responded quickly so that they would not get suspicious that your are not analyn.

"you're assigned on the V.I.P room as always, the boss wants you." she said and walked away yes the plan is going well  you walked to the V.I.P room and as soon as the guards opened the door your heart sank.

jungook is in the room sitting next to his father 

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