Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Katherine's POV  (Like most of the time from now on)

She didn't have time to think about her encounter with Robert/Pennywise in the bathroom. The screams from next door made Katherine stumble out of the chamber as fast as she could, knowing full well that the group of friends might be in danger.

The moment she opened the door, she saw something that made her stand completely still. Confusion hit her like a brick when Katherine saw the Loser's Club fighting something that was...invisible to her. They were screaming, swaying their arms and Richie even hit a chair on the table. The wood splintered, and Katherine had to duck away when Ben suddenly swung a bat wildly around himself. Where he got the bat from, she would ask later, now, Katherine ran towards Mike.

"Mike," she yelled, seeing the uncontrollable fear in his brown eyes. "Mike, it's not real!"

He didn't look at her, instead the librarian his eyes widened while looking at something she couldn't see.

A plate was thrown into her direction by Bev and Katherine was just in time to duck away from the projectile. The porcelain spat against the wall in a thousand pieces and Katherine looked around her. She found Bill not too far from her and grabbed him by the shoulders.

"Bill! This isn't real," she screamed. "I need your help, they'll listen to you. Please!"

At first the man didn't look at her, but after Katherine shook him a bit, his gaze found hers. There was dread in his features, fear in his eyes but she saw something change when Bill really saw her standing before him.

"Big Bill," she begged, "they will listen to you, please, help them."

She used his nickname, trying to get him back to reality, but the man's features changed while he looked at her. From panic to fear and back again.

"Katherine," he finally said without stuttering, his hands came to rest on her shoulders.

She took a breath of relief, saw that he had snapped out of it and when Bill let her go to face the others, Katherine fell on her knees. Partly for being out of their way when they would realize it wasn't real, and part because she felt exhausted and drained. Her own encounter with IT still lingered in the back of her mind, but something told her, these people in the room had quite more horrific things to get through.

Every one of them calmed down, eventually. Richie being the last of them and while they did so, Katherine had to assure and calm the owner of the restaurant that everything that they broke would be payed.

"What the flying fucking fuck fuck was all of that," Richie cursed, rubbed his eyes and the others all looked disheveled.

"Pennywise," Bev muttered again and looked pale. "We need to know why Stan didn't come."

They all agreed and started to make their way out of the restaurant, but Katherine took Mike and Bill by the shoulders.

"I need to rest," she said, exhaustion clearly dawning on her face. It was like it was crashing down on her and Katherine was sure she couldn't carry the tiredness much longer. It weighed heavily on her shoulders and Katherine couldn't stifle the big yawn that escaped her lips.

Both men saw the tired lines on her face. Being the only ones that truly knew what occured between Robert and her, although Katherine skipped certain details, and were sympathetic for the young woman before them.

She said her goodbyes right before Bev was dialing Stanley's number on her phone and Katherine made her way to her house. Entering and making her way straight to the bedroom. The house seemed colder than it was before, just like it was when she just arrived in Derry. Like it was before she invited Robert in.

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