Chapter 23

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23, Katherine's POV
(Trigger warnings for...well almost everything. From language to blood and back again. Read with caution if this triggers you)

She tried to ignore the pain that radiated from her calf. It stung and was a sharp pain while Katherine tried to get up. Her wounded leg couldn't be used, there was no way Katherine was able to use it to fully support her weight. So, she tried to get herself up by using the bookshelves as support.

Henry bowers roared and raged behind Katherine, still trying to get himself free from under the shelves. Books were thrown around and it seemed like he kept talking to someone. But the anger in his voice made Katherine move faster.

One step at a time. With every step she took, the pain from her nicked calf seemed to shoot through her. Her troubled gaze found the red balloon at the middle of the aisle and Katherine bit her bottom lip, trying desperately not to scream out in pain. There was no other way then to go into the direction of the floating balloon.

"Mike," she screamed, but got no answer.

A glance over her shoulder told her that Bowers was getting up, kicking some more books around and Katherine realised she wasn't moving fast enough.

"You bitch," she heard behind her, but Katherine kept moving, dragging herself alongside the bookshelves.

Too slow.

She heard his footsteps first, glanced over her shoulders and had no time to react when Bowers collided with her. His arms circled around her waist from the back, throwing her face first on the ground. Katherine could barely break her fall by stretching her arms out.

The full weight of Henry Bowers collided against her back and she huffed out a deep breath. It felt like he knocked the air out of her lungs and Katherine desperately tried to claw forward. Fingers reached for anything to get a hold on ; between the tiles of the floor, the lowest shelf from the books, anything,...

"Mike," she tried, her voice not strong enough when Katherine felt a sudden rise of dread rising in her throat.

Henry Bowers' face was buried in her neck and he sniffed loudly.

"Flowers," he murmured sickly in her ear and Katherine felt the tears well up in her throat when she felt one of his hands travel down her side.

"Let go," she hissed, struggling against his hold.

Her struggle had no effect. Bowers only pinned her against the floor harder and Katherine felt his fingers rest on the side of her hip. She pinched her eyes shut, her fingers stopped clawing on the floor and took a deep breath in. A sudden calm washed over Katherine's mind and when she opened her eyes again, her vision was blurry from the tears. But still bright enough to see the dark figure of Pennywise at the end of the aisle.

IT's ember eyes glowed in the darkness of the library, its mouth half open and Katherine could see its fangs. The clown's gloved hands were replaced by long, dark claws that easily reached his knees.

Katherine couldn't see it from where she was standing, but just knew there was drool dripping from his lips and chin. And the hysterical laughter that was lingering in the back of her mind for days now, finally came out full force.

It sounded like a soft cackle at first, but soon filled the library.

The sound made Bowers stop with his fondling with the rim of her jeans and Katherine felt his weight shift a bit.

"Why are you laughing," he asked confused.

Katherine laughed even louder when she noticed Pennywise took a few steps into their direction.

"He'll kill you," she cackled loud. "He'll rip you apart and you'll be forgotten."

Henry Bowers didn't seem to notice Pennywise slowly moving in on them and Katherine could easily be wrong. IT could be there to kill her instead of Bowers, but deep down she just knew IT didn't like what it was seeing.

Bowers his hand circled around her hair, pulled her head up and leaned his next to her. Katherine could see his face from the side, could see the grin that played there.

"You mean the face in the moon? I'm here because he told me too, you silly whore. Whores never are smart, that's what my daddy told me. He's dead now, I killed that bastard," he told her, as if that had to mean something to Katherine.

He shifted and Katherine could see in the corner of her eyes that Bowers had brought the knife towards her throat. The cold steel touched her throat and Katherine turned her gaze to the clown.

Pennywise took a few long strides towards them, only a few feet away when Katherine sobbed when the knife drew blood.

"Robert," she sobbed and the clown stopped in his tracks.

She didn't want to die like this, not with the filthy hands of a madman on her body in a small, dusty library in a town called Derry.

"Please," Katherine felt the sharp edge of the knife deepen in her skin.

A pop was heard, the knife fell and a sudden whoosh of

The weight of Henry Bowers was off her and Katherine swiftly turned on her back. Her eyes widened in terror and Katherine crawled backwards. Trying to get as far as possible to get away from the sight before her.

Pennywise held Bowers by his throat up high, the man's feet dangled a few centimeters from the ground and he made a choking noise. IT had pure anger on his features and Katherine heard a deep growl coming from deep in the clown's chest.

"I told you to kill the librarian," Pennywise bellowed. "I demanded not to touch a hair of her head."

Another growl and the ember eyes turned red, his claws digging into the soft flesh of Bowers throat.

"You made her bleeeeeed," Pennywise sung and opened its mouth.

Katherine froze, a scream stuck in her throat, unable to move or do anything when she saw how IT's mouth opened wide. Revealing three rows of sharp teeth and a beautiful golden light chased away the darkness in the aisle.

The next thing Katherine saw was the swift snap of Bowers neck and how the monster ripped bowers head clean off. The sick cracking sound of bone and the loud thud of the head hitting the ground, made Katherine taste bile in the back of her throat. Stupidly enough, she was suddenly grateful that she hadn't eaten breakfast that morning.

The clown took a bite from the dangling, headless body. The fangs sunk right in the upper arm and shred the flesh and skin before IT threw the death Henry on the floor. Pennywise licked his lips, like IT just had a tasty supper and wiped away the blood from its face.

"Imbecile," IT muttered before the clown fully turned to face Katherine.

"Such lovely fear, my dear," he sung, the library filled with the scent of popcorn and happy sounding bells.

Right at the point that Katherine thought she would surely die, or at least pass out, from dread, the clown form disappeared and made place for IT's human body.

Katherine thought Robert's face beautiful once, but seeing him now, blood smeared all around his lips and neck, made her shiver and tremble. The man laughed loud and bended down, crawled towards her with incredible speed until his face was just inches from hers.

Katherine could smell the iron of blood on his hot breath that now caressed her skin.

"No one can kill you," he grinned, his finger reached out to touch her cheek, but he thought the better of it. "I will make you float when time is right. Float, like aaallll others. Hihihi," he chuckled, blew her a kiss in the air and with a loud pop, Robert vanished.

Author's Note : Updates are going slower for now. I have some private things to sort out first. But they will keep coming and the story will finish :) . That being said, just a warning : this is only going to get more violent and horrific. Please, be warned if certain things trigger you. I do my best to make a trigger warning above each chapter. Seeing this is a Pennywise fanfiction though, I think you guys know there will be horror elements. Yet, I don't want to upset anyone! That's the least I want to do with my stories.
Enjoy! Don't hesitate to give feedback :) XoXo Aysline

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