Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Katherine POV - The Sewers

Her shouts echoed against the tunnel walls and came back to her. No answer came of any of the Loser's Club and after a while, Katherine gave up. Pennywise's low humming in his chest, made her feel more than just uncomfortable and his calm, yet steady walk, had a certain rhythm to it, that Katherine start to feel sleepy.

"Scared of an egg," IT hummed. "Special. Fun."

Katherine lifted herself a bit up. Used her hands to push on IT's back.

"Put me down," she pleaded.

"No," Pennywise responded and she couldn't see IT's grin, but somehow heard it in IT's voice. "Katherine's been a naughty girl. You didn't listen to little, old Pennywise, did you? When I told you to leave Derry? Children who don't listen, get punished."

She let herself fall again, her fingers on the Clown's back, playing with one of the lose ribbons that hung there. The water made a sickening 'thud' sound every time Pennywise took one of his large steps. The clown's shoes full with dirty water and Katherine nearly dozed off when IT finally let her fall.

Katherine gasped for air when the cold water surrounded her. The little scream that escaped her sounded desperate while she crawled up and searched something to stand on out of the water. She found something and climbed on the rail on the side. Only then, she took the time to look around.

Pennywise took her to a large ... lair. Katherine found no other name for the large chamber she stood in. There was water everywhere, except for the tower of rubbish in the middle of the room. The clown itself moved with large strides to sit on the side of the tower. IT's long arms rested on his knees while emberlike eyes looked at Katherine who stood on the other side.

"What is this?"

Pennywise arched a brow and chuckled darkly.

"Home, kind of," the clown said, loud enough for IT's voice to reach her.

Katherine shivered from the cold, her clothes drenched and one look towards her hands told her they were coloured a light blue.

"I will die here," she whispered and Pennywise jumped up in one swift movement.

"You will," IT sang with a serious face. "Because little Katherine didn't listen."

"I couldn't leave them," she murmured and looked back at...him.

The clown was gone. It was Robert who stood there, except his eyes were ember coloured. Which made it easier for Katherine to remember the young man before her, wasn't a man at all.

"You could leave me," he stated, hands in the pockets of his black trousers.

Katherine laughed shortly, a dry and humourless one.

"I couldn't," she replied. "You're the reason I'm still in this fucked up town."

When she turned to face him, Robert's face was blank. No emotions were written on his features. He just stared at her for some time before he finally moved towards her. Robert's form was much shorter than IT's clown one and he drenched himself until his hips.

He stood before her in a few minutes and Katherine pushed herself against the wall.

"Stay away," she pleaded, her voice broke and Katherine realised she couldn't handle it if IT decided to kill her in Robert's form. "Turn back. Be Pennywise or Humpty Dumpty."

There flashed something in Robert's ember eyes that she couldn't decipher and he hesitated before stretching his hand out towards her.

"Now is not the time to kill you," he stated and when Katherine tried to move even farther away from him, Robert sighed annoyed and grabbed her by the waist. "We're waiting for the others."

He easily lifted her up bridal style and waded through the water with her. Katherine felt the cold water on her feet and instinct made her throw her arms around his neck. The happy, deep hum that came from Robert's chest, made Katherine lock eyes with him.

"Why kill at all? You many children," she sobbed silently.

"I'm hungry," was his short reply.

When they reached the pile of rubble, Katherine thought he would let her fall, but instead Robert held onto her.

"Eat animals, like every other living being."

Robert scoffed at that and looked away from her.

"Why? Humans are tasty," he pouted his lips and Katherine felt her stomach sickly turn inside. "Just salt the meat."

He let her go so she could stand on the pile of rubble.

"Let the Loser's go," she spoke without thinking. "You have me."

Robert snapped his head in her direction so fast, Katherine imagined she heard a crack of the bones.

"Let them go?" He hissed, the rim around his ember eyes turned a crimson red.

Katherine stumbled a bit back when Robert took two large steps into her direction. His hands reached towards her throat, but he pulled back right before he could grab her. Katherine looked at him with wide-eyes, filled with fear. Robert shook his head slowly.

"Your fear is tasty," he smacked his lips together. "I don't want to kill you."

Katherine trembled when his finger ran over her cheek to her throat and back up again. For just a moment, Robert's face looked sad.

"I have too, though," he croaked out.

With those last words he spoke to her, Katherine lost all hope of getting out of these sewers alive. The man before her slowly transformed in the much taller clown again and she had to look up to fully face him. The smirk that played on those red-tainted lips grew wide and Katherine pulled back even more by turning her head sideways.

"They're here," Pennywise chuckled and jumped up and down out of excitement. "Oh goodie. Let's play a game, shall we? Let's pretend the water is lava," he spoke to her and roughly turned her face so Katherine had to look at him. "If you touch the water, I'll fucking kill you."

She looked up at him in confusion and tears in her eyes because his hand that held on to her chin, hurt her. Pennywise grumbled and rolled his eyes.

"Just stay here. I want to eat you last," he spoke before he jumped around and disappeared into the shallow water.

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