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Sehun's P.O.V

"Hey man, can I ask you something?" Luhan, my roommate asks.


"Why are you so rude to that Savannah girl? I mean, she seems nice and you're not the type to be a completely be a jerk to someone." He says as I roll my eyes.

"She comes in and accuses me of hurting her, makes a scene and she runs around acting like she owns the place. I'm not gonna let that slide." I reply angrily.

"Doesn't explain why you need to be a jerk to her. Sure, you can dislike her, hate her even but you don't need to be rude towards her." Luhan explains before turning off the light.

I get what he's saying but I'm sick of being a push over. I know where that gets you and it's nowhere. People need to start learning their place in this school, without any order this place would be a mess. I'm just trying to prevent that.

Savannah's P.O.V

"When the heart cells touch they start beating together..."

I was in Biology listening to the Professor drain on about the heart. It's been 3 days since the last time Sehun the Jerk got me in trouble in class, to say I was starting to get suspicious is an understatement.

"Interesting fact, students. Someone can actually die of heartbreak, the heart has these tendon like things called heart strings, and when the a person is going under stress, anxiety and, or heartbreak these heart strings can snap, causing death..."

I raised my hand at this, "Professor, are these heart strings what cause that pain in your chest when experience heartbreak?"

"They could be a cause of that, yes."

A snicker was heard at the back of the classroom, "Aw, is poor Savannah not getting noticed by her crush?"

"Grow up, Sehun. Just beause every girl you talk to finds you as interesting as a microwaved piece of soap, doesn't mean you have to intrude on my private life." A chrous of 'oohs' could be heard in the classroom at my comment.

Sehun shut up after that.

After class I headed to the art studio to work on one of my private works. I don't really know where I got the inspiration for this one, but it currently is only in the planning stage. I plug in my iPod to the stereo and "Lost It All" by Black Veil Brides comes on.

Putting down paintbrush I look towards the now finished painting. It was of a girl, holding a umbrella, standing in the pouring rain. She was looking across a river to the other side, and on the other side there was a focus on a man holding hands with another girl. The weather represents the girl that's holding the umbrella's feelings when she looks at the man with the other woman.

Looking at my watch, I curse. "Shit, 11:45, it's getting really late." We don't really have curfews, but we do have to be on campus before 10. I pack up my art supplies and grab my painting, not wanting to leave it in the studio.

Heading back to my room, I hear a faint sound of music coming from a room a few metres ahead. Putting my ear up against the said door, I hear the sound of sneakers squeaking against the floor. I look up and see a sign above the door saying, "Dance Studio." I quietly open the door a crack, seeing none other than Sehun dancing to a rather slow song. He was wearing nothing but a wifebeater and a pair of dangerously low hanging sweats. I don't know how long he's been practicing but it must've been for quite some time beacause the sweat was dripping off him at this point. He goes and turns off the music and in a panic I let go off the door causing it to slam and before you could say, "oh, shit!", I had already left the corridor.

Panting, I open the door in a hurry and place my painting on my desk and go to change into my pjs. "And where have you been, young lady?"

"Jasey!" I shout in surprise, jumping a little. "I was in the studio, lost track of time."

"Did you happen to run into the track and field team on the way, or are you just really unfit?" She smirks, indirectly letting me know that I wasn't sleeping until she got an explanation.

I explain everything to her, except the fact that I was focusing a lot on the low hanging sweats Sehun was wearing. No one needs to know that.

"You need to be more careful, if he were to of caught you, it would just provoke him more. You'd never hear the end of it."

"I know, I know. It's his fault for having the music so loud."

"Alright, alright, blame him if it makes you feel better."

Sehun's P.O.V

After my interrupted dance practice I headed back to thee dorm.

"Luhan, mate, you up?"

"I am now, dickhead." He groans, "What is it?"

I sit down next to him, "I need your help, someone was spying in on my dance practice tonight and I need you to help me figure out who it was."

"Why me? Wouldn't Kyungsoo be better at something like this? And plus, I thought you would've liked the attention?"

"Yeah, well not this time, and do you really think Kyungsoo would help me? He'd just send me a death glare before saying, 'Fuck off, Sehun.'"

Little does Luhan know, the dance I've been practicing is for the upcoming Dance Off between Moonlight College and a rival school. Yixing, Jongin and I are one one team, but there is another team filled with assholes who can't make up their own moves for the life of them, they'll do anything to be the winning team from Moonlight. I just need to make sure that whoever was spying, was not one of them.

"Alright, but tommorow, man. I can't believe I woke up for this."

Whoever was spying on me is gonna pay.

The media is the song "Lost It All" that was mentioned in the chapter. If you listen to it it actually gives you a reason on how Savannah got her inspiration for her painting.

- Emily x

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