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Savannah's P.O.V 

The next day I could barely look at Sehun without blushing furiously. I kept seeing him in those stupid low hanging sweats, with that tight wifebeater showing his tone, but lean body. It was embarrassing to say the least. 

"What are you staring at, idiot?" Sehun snaps as I jump at the confrontation.

"Nothing!" I say before shoving a mouthful of my sandwich in my mouth.

"Idiot." Sehun mumbles before turning back to who I think is Luhan, another member of EXO.

Next period was Physical Ed. Now, I hate exercise, sports, anything related to that. But as a requirement every student must have at least one Physical subject on their schedule. It was either this, dancing or gymnastics, I don't even wanna know how stupid I'd look doing either of the other choices. Luckily, we only get one per id of it a week unless it's our major. But of course, Sehun the Jerk was in my class. Of course.

"Alright, class, partner activity!" The grumpy coach, as I call him, shouts. Everyone starts looking towards their friends as I stay looking at the coach, when he shouts, "But! Since it's a particularly gloomy day for me, I will be picking your partners!" Everyone, including me, who would've been stuck with the gross kid no one picks because he stinks, groaned.

"Patterson! Partnered with Sehun!"

Both of us cry out at that sentence. "Coach, I cannot be partnered with this oxygen deprived horseradish, please, I beg you!"

"Well, Patterson, since you guys despise each other so much it'll be a great chance for you two to figure out your differences because, it's a activity where you need to trust and rely on your partner!"

"Coach, please, anyone but her." Sehun pleads as I huff out a sigh.

"Savannah. My name is Savannah, please use it."

"End of discussion, you two or it'll be detention for 2 weeks!" The coach howls out making us shut up.

The first activity was one was called Leg Straight Back, put simply enough. One person was lying down on their back while the other was pushing their leg straight back, until a stretch was felt, then holding for 20 seconds. "You go first," Sehun orders, "I don't want to look like an idiot." I obey but am a little annoyed by his rudeness.

"Don't you do these stretches all the time before you dance?" I ask while lying down on the grass and lifting my leg as Sehun grabs my ankle.

Sehun freezes for a second before saying, "How did you know I was a dancer?" 

"I, uh, you just look like one." I fluster out as he keeps pushing my leg back.

"You're pretty flexible, I'll give you that." He comments before I grab his wrist that was not holding onto my leg and yelping for him to stop. "Okay, I spoke too soon."

"Are you counting or not you douche canoe?!" I shout my grip tightening on his wrist. 

"Alright, alright. 1..."

The second activity was called the Seated Groin. One person sits cross-legged with their feet touching while the other sits behind and pushes their knees down. Sehun and I had agreed to take turns on who went first so it was his turn. I noticed that when Sehun sat down he had impeccably great posture. Since Sehun is rather tall compared to me, my short arms could barely reach around him completely without having my chest flushed right against his back, making me just a little flustered. Pushing his legs down slowly he shuffles his upper body causing a little more friction than I'd like. "Watch it, assbutt." I say as I lean back a little. 

"That's not what I was trying to achieve you fucklet. Don't overreact."

The last activity was called Thigh Abductors. Both people sit on the ground, with their legs apart. Both people grab each other's hands in a monkey grip. One person has to lean down towards the floor to try and get a flat back all while their partner is pushing their legs further apart with their feet. Sehun's grip on my hands was tight enough so we wouldn't slip apart but it was gentle; something I wasn't expecting from him. I start to lean down towards the ground as Sehun started pushing my legs apart with his feet but because of how we were positioned the way I was headed was straight for Sehun's crotch. "Why did you stop? I'm sure you can go further." I hear the coach say. Of all the times he had to be watching us two, it had to be now. Regardless, I pushed further on down, this was my chance to get back at Sehun the Jerk. Stopping right above his crotch, I feel Sehun freeze.

Don't get me wrong, I was blushing furiously, where I was now was a place I had never dared to venture before, but this was a chance to get back at this jerk. "Very good, Patterson! Sehun, your turn."

Lifting up from my embarrassing position, I look at Sehun's face to see him as red as a tomato, he was death glaring me, but at least I got back at him. After P.E. I quickly change and start heading for the studio when someone tugs on my arm.

It was Sehun.

"What did you think you were doing?!" He whisper-shouts to me.

"What do you mean?" I answer innocently. "I was just doing what the coach told me to do." I turn back around but Sehun keeps following me.

"Don't act dumb. You knew exactly what you were doing." He catches up to my fast pace as I unlock the door to the studio. 

"Sorry, the studio is for art majors only." And with that I slam the door in his stupid face.

What a jerk.

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