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Sehun's P.O.V

Okay, I am now 99.9% sure that Savannah was the one who was spying on me during dance practice. The fact that she knew I was a dancer even though I've never told her is enough proof for me. However, as much as I'd like to get revenge on her, the main thing is that she's not one of the members of the rival group, so I'll let her go.

But not without a little teasing first.

Heading to the studio where I knew she'd be I knocked on the door loudly. I could hear her putting down whatever tools she was using and walking to the door. The door swung open and I was met with the glaring face of Savannah Patterson. "What." she asks viciously, her expression shooting daggers at me. "Oh, it's you."

"Yeah, it's me. May I come in?" I say overly sweetly.

"Don't make me repeat what I told you last night, Sehun. The studio is for-"

"Art majors only, yeah I know." I say easily brushing past her and stepping into the studio and closing the door behind me. Looking around me I see many canvas' everywhere but one in the middle of the studio was being worked on at the moment. I assume that was Savannah's. I don't really have an eye for art so I didn't really know what it was. Turning around to look at Savannah I notice she's basically covered in paint from head to toe. Her grey sweater had blue and purple paint all over it, her black skinny jeans had hand-prints all over them and don't even get me started on the marks on her face.

"Are you painting the canvas or yourself?" I chuckle as she clenches and un-clenches her fists.

"Shut up!" She shouts brushing past me and sitting in front of her easel. Picking up the paintbrush she goes to start painting again before she gently places it down and swivels around to face me.

"Why are you here, Sehun?" she asks quite softly, in contrast to her yelling just a minute ago.

"I wanted to ask you if you thought I was a good dancer or not?" I say as her eyes bulge out of her head.

Stuttering she manages to get out, "How would I know?"

Walking up to her, I lean my face in close and whisper into her ear, "Oh, c'mon, you and I both know it was you who was spying on me while I practicing."

Pushing me away she turns back around attempting to cover her beet red face. "You were really good, I didn't know you were that talented." she whispers out, her sentence barely audible.

Shocked by her less than sarcastic answer I walk around to see her face, "You being serious?"

"Yes, I'm being serious, idiot." She turns to pick up her paintbrush again but I grab her arm.

"Since you've already seen the dance I guess I can tell you this. That dance is to be shown to no one, okay? Yixing, Jongin and I are using that dance to compete in the Dance Off. We can't let anyone see what the routine is until the actual Dance Off. Can you promise me that you won't tell anyone?" I say as she contently listens.

"Of course, Sehun. I'm sorry for spying in the first place." She says before turning back to her canvas and finally getting back to work.

Savannah's P.O.V

Surprisingly, having Sehun share such a big secret with me made me feel a lot better. This morning when I came back from breakfast there was a very threatening note on my bed.

It said,

"If you don't stop hanging out with Sehun, I swear, you won't be making it back to America alive. Trash like you doesn't deserve to be within even a mile of his presence. If I catch you hanging out with him one more time, I hope you don't mind dying in Korea."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2015 ⏰

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