[Chapter 5]

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Night came and everyone returned to their homes to sleep. Senku was still in the observatory, staring at the stars once again...

"Come down Senku-chan, it's late. You should go to sleep early if you want to do a good job tomorrow~"

"Oh..." he realized "I'll be there in a few minutes"

Meanwhile, Gen came downstairs and laid down. He tried getting into sleep, but he really couldn't so he spontaneously started thinking about how amazing his Senku-chan was.

After a bit, he heard some light footsteps that were quietly coming his direction... It was Senku.

He quickly closed his eyes and tried not to move to make him believe he was asleep. Carefully, Senku laid next to him and looked right at his sleeping face. He crouched down and slowly moved his hand towards him to play with his long strand of white hair "You're not asleep, are you? Gen"

Gen hesitantly opened his eyes "Of course you knew.."

Senku chuckled and slightly pocked his nose before showing his usual grin on his face. "So..?" he started "do you...."

"Oh yeah I forgot-" Gen jumped on him, knee between his tights and their faces nearly close enough to kiss.

Senku looked at him, pressed his finger against his lips that were about to kiss him, and chuckled once again. "Tell the truth, mentalist"

"I really can't hide anything from you, can I? Sen-ku-cha-n" he sighed "I couldn't think of anything else for the entire day"

"That's a problem then" he joked "let's fix that ri-ght-no-w" he laughed, imitating Gen.

To be continued...

[Since then] (Senku x Gen - Sengen) ~Fanfiction~Where stories live. Discover now