6: Unbelievable

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Ignore mistakes, please

Warning: I do not promote self-harm in any way.. there is self-harm in this chapter.

Third person P.O.V

Taehyung was silently looking at the white and pale walls of the room which looked more like a cell to him. The walls were suffocating him internally and he wanted to scream... scream to let him go. But he didn't, coz he was aware that would be futile.

He missed everything... especially his friend and hyung. He was deeply puzzled by the words of the cruel kidnapper who brutally accused his father of being a monster. But he can't do anything.... nothing.

A clicking sound brought him back to reality as he calmly waited till the door opened by a buff man holding a tray full of food again.

"Eat this or we have to put that IV back on your beautiful hand." Man ordered but Taehyung only closed his eyes in response. He heard the man scoff but he didn't mind till he blurted out some words, Taehyung truly can't bear them.

"Son of a *****" Taehyung's eyes shoot open as he glared at the man who smirked at the response and in the next second, Taehyung launched on the man with all of his energy and grabbed his collar harshly.

"DON'T SAY IT.. DON'T YOU DARE TO SAY A WORD TO HER!" Taehyung screamed in his face but in turn, the man snickered and pushed him in a snap, back on the bed.

"Aw.. I am scared of the scary kitten." The man mocked and quickly rushed back to the door because they were ordered not to hurt the blonde.. in any way.

"No no... hey stop... don't go." Taehyung stumbled in panic towards the door to stop the man but he was already gone.

"Don't.. please.. this is suffocating me.. please.. open the door. I am begging you.. p-please.. it's making me insane." Taehyung was continuously banging on the door while trying his last bit. When he got tired and realized that nothing good could happen... he slumped down on the floor with a heavy heart.

"I am losing m- myself... this place is m- making me insane... please." He again mumbled... without any tears.. just dry sobs.

"L- let me go... please." His voice came out as a whisper, having his mental strength breaking into pieces with every passing second.


"What? What nonsense is this?" Mr. Kim spat on two males who were now on verge of yelling at him.

"This is true uncle.. we saw the footage. A man literally kidnapped Tae from the hall." Jin told him controlling his anger but Hyungsik just shook his head in disbelief.

"Come on... there is no reason that someone would do that to him." He said while casually walking to his favorite couch. Jimin rolled his eyes in annoyance but he was keeping his promise not to talk as Jin took that promise before coming to Kim's residence.

"Are you sure? Is there no rival in business or anything?" Jin asked and he saw a wave of shock passing by the face of the older before he wore his blank face again.

"No way.. there is none." Hyungsik replied while grabbing his Juul.

"But what if someone kidnapped him for money?" Jin mumbled and Kim laughed loudly at that, causing the two boys to frown.

"Money? Seriously? If that's the case, we must've got the call by now." Jimin sighed at his words. He was right to some extent but still, the question was there.

"Then why did someone do that?" Jimin mumbled while Kim snickered.

"Listen, boys.. you know what I am thinking..." Jin sighed, he was sure a bitter line is on the way while Jimin tilted his head.

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