8: Secrets

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

"W- what do you mean?" Taehyung felt like seeing and hearing over.

Rose gave him a small smile while tugging on the loose shirt of him. She turned to face Jungkook who gave a scowl.

"I told you, not to hurt him." She almost growled at the mafia and Taehyung was still dumbfounded.

"He was the one to hurt himself," Jungkook replied nonchalantly while rolling his eyes.

"The deal was-"

"Don't boss around." Jungkook cut her with a deep voice and Taehyung saw how she smirked... it felt scary to the blond.

"Rose... please let me go..." He again whimpered, shivering at the weird atmosphere because it felt uneasy but she shook her head and tightened her grip on the shirt.

"You can't go anywhere Taehyung... we are almost succeeding in our plans and this requires your presence with us." She stated casually like inviting the blond on some sort of vacation while actually, she wanted to keep him bound.

Taehyung started to place the puzzles to sort out the conclusion and when he did, he looked up at her with wide eyes... no tears.... just fear.

"O-our?" Taehyung's mind was stuck on the word.

Jungkook already told him the reason for all the things but Rose? This shouldn't be related to her in any way. Why a bride will do this to his own groom? And that was the thing bothering the blond so much at the moment.

She smiled sweetly while moving her hand to carefully caress the cheek of the blond who visibly flinched at the touch.

"Yes... our." Taehyung felt like a bomb was blasted on him when he heard her next words.

"This was all... a plan... our plan. For what we waited so long." Taehyung yanked away his hand from her grip and stumbled backward... shaking his head in a no. Namjoon quickly rushed on his back to prevent him from running anywhere, same goes for the other men of Jungkook who quickly made a circle around the blond.

But Taehyung was too much shocked to even think of running anymore. His own fiance planned his kidnapping?

"W- why? I- I never did anything wrong w- with you. I never hurt you." Taehyung mumbled while looking into her eyes, feeling deeply shocked and hurt but he realized that there was care for him.. then why?

"You did one thing wrong Tae... and that is your birth in his house. Your fate did something wrong by making you his son." She said with gritted teeth and Taehyung felt suffocated in the open air by her words.

Why everyone was targeting him because of his father.. the father who did nothing wrong in his eyes except for treating him like nothing?

"N- no.. no... t- this is a nightmare... no." Taehyung mumbled while stumbling backward, his mind almost numb and in his shock, he forgot to breathe.

Jungkook and Rose both looked surprised when his face suddenly became so pale.

Taehyung heard his name called by both but he couldn't control his body as he fell on someone who quickly held him protectively. The last thing he saw was Jungkook and Rose both running towards him with horrified expressions like they cared but it felt like a hallucination to him... before he completely lost consciousness.

Namjoon was the one to catch the blond, saving him from falling on the road with an already wounded head. Jungkook quickly crouched down and observed the pale face of Taehyung while Rose was panicking.

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