23: Long story

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Ignore mistakes please

Third person P.O.V

"What if I say... I am Kookie?"

Taehyung felt his breath stop the moment he heard those words. He was sure he didn't mention his Kookie to anyone except for Jin and Jimin. Then how that person knows about the name? What if he is actually????

"W- what?" He mumbled eyes widened while his jaw hung open.

Jungkook softly chuckled at the sight and closed his eyes for a brief moment.

"You remember him?" He asked and Taehyung just watched him with the same expression.

When Jungkook received the same silence, he opened his eyes and looked directly into the eyes of Taehyung. He could easily see the confusion, surprise, and even fear in those beautiful orbs.

"Do you remember about Kookie?" He again asked, a bit more loudly as he walked near to the blond. Taehyung wanted to move back but his body again betrayed him.. as he felt frozen on the spot.

Jungkook softly brushed his fingers over Taehyung's cheeks and slowly... very slowly... his hands made their way to his ear.

Taehyung's breath hitched when Jungkook slightly caressed the ear shell of him... so gently... so carefully. The touch felt so so... so much familiar, but this time he couldn't close his eyes and instead directly looked into those black ones.. staring deeper into his soul.

"Do you?" Jungkook again asked and this time his voice was like a whisper...

Taehyung found himself nodding under the intense gaze of the other... he heard another chuckle from the other as the person nodded his head... retreating his hands from the ear.

"H- how?" Taehyung let out the words like a mewl because of a little disappointment due to the loss of the soothing touch.

"Wanna listen to that story?" Jungkook said suggestively while walking towards the couch after locking the door.. though no one was about to enter.. not without his permission but still he did so.

Taehyung was feeling now more than nervous but he wanted to know the truth... the words that he heard before made him more anxious.

"Yes.." He replied and saw the male nodding his head again.

Jungkook gestured for him to sit on the couch but Taehyung remained rooted on the spot... too much involved in his own thoughts to do anything.

When Jungkook saw that he wasn't planning to move, he decided to take control. He walked towards him again and gently grabbed his wrist... almost dragging him to the couch.. he made him sit on it.

Taehyung wanted to say something but shut his mouth when Jungkook settled himself in between his legs... sitting on one knee... eyes directly piercing through his soul.

"As I told you before.. it's a bit long story." Jungkook reasoned for his previous activity.

"Please... tell me. You have no idea, how much it matters to me. And one more thing... please.. please.. don't play with my feelings, I just want to hear the truth." Taehyung said in his tired voice, how much Jungkook wanted to hug him right there but he controlled himself from doing anything further before the fragile soul feel hurt by his any action.

"Believe me, I am going to tell you each and every word.. true. Because it's also such an important matter for me." Jungkook replied and the blond just slowly nodded.. showing a bit of faith in him.

Jungkook took this as a cue and heaved out a sigh before starting.....



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