21: Familiar- Unfamiliar

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Ignore mistakes please

Third person P.O.V

"Call Kim Taehyung... now."

Hyungsik gave a look of annoyance at his words but when he saw the oozing aura of the other he sighed and pressed the button on the side intercom to call Taehyung's secretary.

"Tell Taehyung to come to the meeting room." He said and cut the call before looking back at the CEO.

"He is coming." He informed others.

Mr. Ji... actually Jeon Jungkook, put back the mask over his face.

Don't worry, let me explain. Actually, the person who helped Jungkook and took him with him wasn't a thug but a well-known mafia of the time. He owned the biggest company in Seoul, known as JC enterprise. His name was Ji Chang and he handed over all of his assets to Jungkook as he didn't have any son or daughter and Jungkook was the one to look after him in his old age. Jungkook didn't change the name of Enterprise and he even changed his name to Ji Jeon... keeping the names of both his father and that person. He was honestly grateful for whatever Ji Chang did for him. Jungkook was known as Ji Jeon in the business world and that's the reason Hyungsik couldn't doubt his name.

Hyungsik gave Jungkook a look of utter disbelief that why he put back the mask on and Jungkook was quick to judge his gaze and rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"I am having a bit of flu." He said and his gaze again got fixed on the door, impatiently waiting for a certain blond to enter the room as soon as possible.

He could feel his heart beating in excitement at the thought of seeing his tata.

He would be looking more ethereal now... away from that hell hole.

He thought and right in a moment the door started to open by someone as cylinder fingers were holding the knob and soon a figure entered the room.

Jungkook felt he forgot to breathe for a whole minute as Taehyung slowly... very slowly walked towards the table in confusion.

The blond licked his lips in nervousness and slightly bowed to greet two unknown males.
Jackson greeted back while smiling widely but that felt more like a smirk of victory.

Damn... he is a whole meal.

He said internally but he felt a shiver run through his system when he saw Jungkook's gaze piercing through the body of the blond who was standing right in front of him. He also saw how Jungkook was clutching to the table, knuckles turning white.

Taehyung felt more uncomfortable when he didn't receive any response from the new person in the room who was definitely the CEO as he was also informed that the CEO of JC Enterprise was coming and by the elegant look, the masked man was definitely the one.

Licking his lips again he slowly moved his eyes to face the person in front of him and he felt his knees go weak from the piercing gaze of the other. He visibly gulped on the aura and those eyes, those eyes were looking so familiar... yet unfamiliar.

Hyungsik also frowned at the way the CEO was staring at Taehyung. He was definitely blaming Taehyung for that kind of behavior but cleared his throat to end the awkward moment.

On the annoying voice of Hyungsik, Jungkook finally came to reality and realized that he was just making Taehyung uncomfortable with his staring. He felt bad that he couldn't help out his awfulness and made the boy scared.. that's what he saw in Taehyung's eyes.. fear.

"Nice to meet you... Taehyung." Jungkook said after enjoying the staring and Taehyung just nodded his head, feeling more nervous than before.

He slowly took the seat next to his father but tried his best to maintain a good distance by subtly moving the chair. Jungkook was just focusing on his movements as Jackson was the person to take care of business.

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