Uh oh

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Soooo I'm horrible at being creative in terms of having characters showing emotions (mostly anger or irritation) so I wanted to try and learn to get better, so In this chapter shinso has a tantrum

Shinsos pov
I was shaken awake by denki at seven in the morning, I turned to look at him and he smiled at me "morning sleeping beauty" I groaned and closed my eyes again, I hadn't got enough sleep. I woke up three separate times last night and only finally went back to sleep around five "shinso you gotta get up and eat breakfast" denki said gently, I huffed but didn't move "I no wanna" I mumbled, denki patted my head "are you little baby?" I nodded and moved away from his hand "I wanna go nigh night" I whined "but baby we promised sero we'd visit him at work today" I shook my head "noooooooo" I kicked my legs a bit. I don't know what was wrong with me maybe I was just fussy? I think I don't know but I was two seconds from crying "oh baby, do you want a bottle? Will that make you feel all better" denki asked, I appreciate the fact he's being Patient with me but I don't know what it was that triggered it but I started fucking crying "no no no no no no nnoooooooo" I shoved my face into a stuffie and cried, denki sat me up "hey now little one, why are you so fussy? Daddy can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong" he rubbed my back and kept his smile. I felt so bad for being this way but I couldn't help it, i dramatically shook my body "nO I don't wanNa" I kept crying because I was tried and hungry and I didn't wanna go anywhere "Shh Shh Shh it's okay bubba" denki cooed I sniffed and looked at him "I h-hungy" denki nodded "okay baby wanna come with daddy to get you nummies" I shook my head "no no no no!" I fell back and curled up into a ball sucking my thumb, I felt so bad because I've never acted like this so denki didn't know what to do but I just couldn't help it. "Hey now, it's okay baby. Will you wait while daddy goes to make you food?" I sat back up and grabbed his arm "no dont gooooo!" I kept crying, I was so god damn tired "baby please tell me what's the matter" denki kisses my head "I-I'm tired! And I'm h-hungy! And I don't wanna go anywherreeee" I whined flopping over back on my pillow, denki nodded "okay baby, thank you for telling daddy. I'll just have sero visit us, you take a nap while I make you some nummies. It's okay to be fussy all babies get fussy" I wiped my tears away and smiled "I'm sowwy" denki kisses my cheek "you have nothing to be sorry for darling. Now take a nice long nap and I'll wake you up when foods ready" I nodded and grabbed my paci from the bedside table, I put it in my mouth and slowly fell asleep feeling all better.

Idk if this counts as a tantrum but it does to me so I'll just keep it like this.

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