Master of reality

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Legolas awoke with a blood-curdling scream. Aragorn yelled at the noise and awoke, trying to calm down Legolas.

(Got u there didn't I?)

"Fabian is okay..." He whispered.


"Is Fabian okay?..." He cried, clutching onto Aragorn as if he were the only thing keeping him alive.

"Fabian is fine. We will save him" The man reassured and held Legolas in his arms... 

3rd person PoV:

"Fabian is fine. We will save him" The man reassured and held Legolas in his arms.

Legolas clutched onto Aragorn as if his whole life depended on it and leaked distraught tears into the fabric on the mans shoulder "I'm s-sorry for waking you up..." He croaked out and let out a sob. His head rested on Aragorn's shoulder, slender fingers clutching at the man's nightshirt beside his head. His other hand tangled messily into the sheets below, tears dampening the fabric as they fell with a soft splatter with every second that went by.

Aragorn placed a comforting hand on Legolas's back and pulled him closer, lifting the elf's head up with two rough fingers that hooked beneath his chin. Aragorn stared deep into Legolas's eyes and studied each emotion that flowed through them "Don't apologise. What happened? Why did you scream?" He questioned and stroked the elf's back in a way to soothe him.

Legolas tensed and mumbled into Aragorn's shoulder "I had a nightmare" He shivered, recalling the eerily vivid dream. He felt childish calling it that but it was as close as he could get to describe the horrific scene that played in his dream "I'm sorry" He repeated and clutched harder onto Aragorn.

"It's okay. You do not need to apologise" Aragorn reassured and pulled the elf closer so that Legolas was lightly sitting on his lap, legs either side of Aragorn's as he cried into his shoulder "Do you want to talk about it?" Aragorn asked.

"No" Came the quick reply from the elf. He did not want Aragorn to know what he had dreamt about...he did not want to cry anymore in from of the man.

Aragorn moved his hand up to gently stroke Legolas's pale blond hair. He did not say anything but to the shaking elf, his presence was comfort enough to bring him back to only silently shaking in the man's arms.

He was tired but he did not complain, his needs did not matter to him until he was sure that Legolas was okay and he was not ashamed of his concern at the slightest. Aragorn did not pry at Legolas's denial, he supposed that this was something that he should tell him in his own time now that he could be a trustworthy person in Legolas's eyes. The elf calmed down after a while but continued to clutch onto Aragorn with no sign of releasing his grip.

Legolas looked up it him with tear-stains on his cheeks and deep bags painted underneath his eyes that exposed his lack-of needed sleep. The light from the early morning sun glittered in his eyes that dazzled with the remnants of his tears and a broken smiled etched across his face.

Aragorn looked down at him with admiration as he studied an emotion that ran though his eyes "I...I love you Estel...I really do" Legolas muttered.

"I love you know that" Aragorn answered and stroked a strand of hair behind Legolas's pointed ear.

" don't understand...I..." Legolas tried to bury his head again in Aragorn's chest but the man stopped him and noticed tears beginning to form again at the corners of his eyes. Legolas averted his eyes to the side, tears building up in them but not spilling "...I wanted to give up...I almost did on the mountain and in the mines. I just wanted a reason to give up...a reason to end the pain that was why I did not care the slightest where I was at what time even if it ended my life..." Legolas said and Aragorn's mind flashed back to that moment in the mines and the look of hopelessness in his eyes.

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