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Fabian trembled and a chocked sob echoed from him "Can you believe it?!..." Mattsuke shouted, cutting off the final chunk of Fabians, now shoulder-length, hair. The style was messy, some locks were longer than others but it was all cut untidily at the ends "...I am going to kill Legolas Greenleaf!" Mattsuke finished and smiled as Fabian cried.

"What's the matter?..." He mocked and let out a small chuckle, leaning forwards to stare into Fabians distraught face. He found pleasure in the absolute agony that Fabians face held. It was obscene but the man found happiness in seeing other people suffer. Mattsuke watched him with curiosity and let out a psychotic laugh "...Not so FABulous now are you?" (I had to) HE laughed, the sound echoing around the cave-like area.

3rd person PoV:

Legolas awoke the next morning curled into Aragorn's embrace. He sighed contently at the warmth but upon remembering what happened the day before, his content dropped and he began to slightly fidget, acknowledging the emptiness inside of him but feeling more than uncomfortable with it. It felt as though all of the emotions and feelings had been drained out of him overnight.

To Legolas, it only came to times of great emotional distress that he felt like this. Completely hopeless, vulnerable, empty...the list could go on but words were useless in their way to describe the weird sadness that brought with this feeling.

Emptiness was a way to describe sadness but emptiness was a whole new level of that feeling. The only other time that he had felt like this was after he had escaped the cave-like place that he had been held in.

He had felt vulnerable and so that vulnerability had brought on sadness, then paranoia, then guilt, despair, harmful thoughts and finally emptiness. Each and every other time had only been unbearable sadness that would only stop if you came across something that created more damage than before. Then the cycle would repeat itself, emptiness, sadness, emptiness, sadness, emptiness and sadness, all until you died. Legolas wished that Aragorn had not cared enough to bring himself in his circle of depression. Legolas could tell that it was beginning to way down on the man.

Legolas's legs ached to get out of bed and begin the day but he did not care. The bed and lying in Aragorn's arms could bring warmth to the emptiness that the outside world could not. It was as if it were a remedy to the sadness that slowly ate away at him. It relaxed him and yet he felt somehow being coaxed more into laying there longer as if the warmth were bribing him.

Legolas forgot all plans to get out of the bed and curled closer into Aragorn, sighing in content at the strange relaxation that it brought him. Mattsuke left his mind and for once, the thought of Fabian suffering left his mind and was instead replaced with a scene of them playing together when he was younger as he drifted off to sleep.

Just as the dream started to play in his mind however, Aragorn stirred next to him and sat up. At the loss of contact, Legolas curled into himself in a way to replace the gone warmth and felt a hand stroking his back "You usually wake up first...Are you tired?" Aragorn wondered mostly to himself.

Legolas groaned and put his arms over his head, covering his ears from the noise. He did not respond. He just lay there, somewhat refusing to open his eyes. Legolas heard the man get out of bed and head to the bathroom but his eyes remained shut even after he had arrived back, staring at the edge of the bed, dressed and confused (Not dazed and confused it's now dressed and confused 😂)

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