Think about you

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⚠️Mentions of blood ⚠️


Legolas's weak hand moved up and gripped Fabian's hand which was still clenched in his hair. Fabian removed his hands from his hair, his sobs ceasing as he stared with his blood-red eye into Legolas's azure ones, that were filled to the brim with tears "I-It's not your fault, Fabian" Legolas choked out and frantically started coughing. A small amount of blood escaped from the corner of his lips, painting his skin crimson as it traveled down to the dirt on the ground, staining it red.

"Eomer, Gimli, Haldir get up we need help!"

3rd person PoV:

"Eomer, Gimli, Haldir get up we need help!"

"What happened?!" Haldir yelled, rushing forwards towards the scene after exploring the area. (I completely forgot that Haldir existed in the last chapter and also forgot that he had elven hearing so sry for the weird explanation thing)

"We were attacked. He was very particular about his level of voice and noise he made that was why none of you heard anything" Aragorn managed out, barely holding back tears.

"A killer cares about our sleep?" Gimli huffed "I don't know whether to feel grateful or disturbed"

"It doesn't matter what you think!" Aragorn snapped at the dwarf, tears silently slipping from his eyes as quiet as an owl flying through the night sky "C-Can't you see that L-Legolas and Eowyn are injured?"

At this Eomer's head snapped up, his eyes turning dark "Eowyn is injured?" He asked. Aragorn looked over to Eowyn, who was laying silently on the dirt with a rather large bruise on her head. Eomer followed his eyes and when he lay eyes upon her, he gasped in shock and ran over to her, silently cradling her unconscious body "How?"

Aragorn weakly cradled Legolas in his arms, hearing his voice come in raspy breaths as he pressed some torn up parts of his own cloak against the wound "Abraham knocked her out when she tried to stab him. She will be fine" Aragorn said, gripping Legolas in his arms. 

"Who's Abraham?" Haldir asked.

"Enough with the questions!" Aragorn shouted as he pressed a hand against his forehead "It's n-not going to help save L-Legolas from..." He choked out, sobbing at his own words.

Haldir stared at the scene in front of him, the scene which he had been trying to avoid as soon as he had seen Aragorn sitting there with Legolas in his arms. He did not want to believe it but that was all that he could do in that moment because yes, his friend would die if he did not attend to him right away.

"You need to lay him back on the ground, it will make it easier for him to breathe" Haldir said, biting at his bottom lip as a way to stop the tears. He watched Aragorn lay Legolas in the ground, hearing the poor elf yelling out in pain and biting at his bottom lip so hard that it drew blood "Gimli you need to get some bandages, some needle and thread and something to soothe the pain and numb the area around the wound" He told the dwarf, who had been staring in shock upon seeing the scene. Gimli rushed off to do as told, something which he would otherwise not do if he were not in this situation.

Legolas's breathing was coming in short gasps and his eyes were lidded over, glistening with a small amount of tears that pecked at the corners of his eyes. With every second that went by, a large amount of blood would seep out of the wound as if mocking them as if every second that went by was joyful for it, escaping his body as it watched the light slowly dispel from his eyes, slithering down his skin like a snake stalking its prey and feeding the earth his crimson blood.

"Legolas you need to keep your eyes open" Haldir said, gently tapping Legolas's face with his hands as Gimli came back with the equipment. Aragorn stared down at Legolas, pearly tears falling from his eyes and landing on the elf's cheek then skimming down his skin as if his own. Legolas did as told and weakly kept his eyes open with the strength that he had left.

"This is your fault Aragorn..." Eomer said as Eowyn stirred in his arms "...You promised that nobody would be promised and now she and Legolas are hurt!"

Aragorn ignored him as he and Legolas stared deep into each others eyes. No words need to be said, they loved each other and that was all, that was all they needed.

"Are you not listening to me?!" Eomer yelled, standing up. Gimli placed the equipment on the ground next to Haldir and stood up too.

"Look laddie, Legolas is injured and Haldir is working on his wound so if you stress him up then something could go wrong" Gimli said, holding his ax threateningly to stop him from trying anything else.

Wine glanced at Aragorn one last time before going back to Eowyn, helping her as she sat up "What happened?" She asked, putting her hand to her head and groaning in pain.

"You were knocked out by an Abraham person. It's okay now, how do you feel?" Eomer asked, the sound of their conversation drowning out by the sound of Legolas's short breaths.

Aragorn grilled his hand tightly after Haldir had given him something to soothe the pain and the elf was now getting ready to stitch the wound after disinfecting it. (Wow this paragraph is now no1 on least descriptive paragraphs of mine)

Just as Haldir was about to push the needle into Legolas's skin, Eowyn came over, eyes going wide upon seeing the scene "What happened to Legolas?" Eowyn asked with a gasp causing Haldir to jog his hand from shock, being so concentrated that he did not even notice her sneak up behind him.

"Eowyn" Eomer said, coming to stand by his sister and grabbing her arm but she seemed to be paralysed in shock.

"Eowyn, Eomer, I need you to look after Fabian, Fuyu and the others" Haldir ordered, looking up at her pleadingly "Please I need to focus" He said, holding the needle firmly in his hand this time.

Eowyn looked at him and nodded turning around to walk away though Haldir quickly called her "Can you take Fabian over to the others please?" He asked and motioned towards Fabian who was sitting at Legolas's side, frozen in place while staring down at Legolas with pierced eyes slowly leaking tears. He looked traumatised.

She nodded silently and walked over to Fabian.

Sorry I did not know where to go from there. I will update soon tho lol

 I will update soon tho lol

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