Chapter Four

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As soon I opened my eyes, I reached for my phone on the bedside table. 4:57 am. I pulled my blanket off, folded it and went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. When I got out, I tied my hair up into a bun and headed towards my study table.

I got very little sleep yesterday night because the party ended around 1:30 am. I had a test today afternoon and although I had studied before I left yesterday, I had to revise. College entrance tests are easier for kids that have special tutors or institutes that can predict questions for them. For someone like me, who has to work three jobs to be able to save up for my college fee, personal tutors were like the moon. My only option was studying as hard as I could.

I was still studying when I heard the knock on my window. I slid the curtains open, revealing Jackson smiling at me as he stood on the broad windowsill and held on to the window frame for dear life. I slid the glass window open and stepped aside so he could get in.

"I have a door. Use it or don't come over. I don't want to be responsible if you fall and break your neck." I told him as he made himself comfortable on the bed. "Why are you here? I have a test to study for. Leave." I gestured towards the door.

"Isn't it more romantic this way? It feels like Romeo." Jackson covered his face with a pillow.

"I don't think Romeo sneaked into any girl's room without permission and ruined her perfectly made bed." I replied and went back to my study table to pack my bag. I could finish the leftover revision in school.

I went to my living room and worked out for around an hour before grabbing my school uniform and taking a shower. Jackson had covered his face with his arm and looked half asleep by now. When I got out, he wasn't in bed anymore. Jackson was in the kitchen, helping himself in front of the coffee maker. "See, I made you coffee." He offered me a cup and I reached for the carton of cold milk he had placed on the counter.

"Someone gifted that to me. I don't actually drink coffee." I replied and opened a drawer to remove my lunch box and water bottle. "Why are you here?" I asked him before turning around to get some vegetables from the kitchen. I'd just make fried rice and cut up some vegetables as side dishes because I didn't know how to make any.

"Did Romeo deliver love letters?" He asked.

"How would I know? Romeo isn't my type." I said as I took a bite of the carrot I was going to pack. He handed me a note.

Briefing. 3:00 pm.

I closed my eyes and let out a deep sigh. I'd make it to the test, but I would miss out on two classes and studying them by myself was going to be a headache. "I don't want to skip classes." I complained.

"You're probably the only High School student in Seoul to say that." Jackson commented, then took a sip from his steaming mug of coffee. "If you're that serious about your studies, then why work for RedSnow? You know its difficult to get out of the crime world, right?" He asked.

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