Chapter Seven

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I could hear Izna's footsteps getting closer to the edge of the containers

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I could hear Izna's footsteps getting closer to the edge of the containers. She was still on her phone so if she saw me or even if I managed to get the phone from her hand, Jackson, who was on the other line, would know something was wrong.

"I'm alert, Jackson, don't tell me what to do. Its not like anything ever happens during these transportation assignments anyway." She said and I heard her footsteps moving away from the edge. I peeked at her on the level above, to be greeted by fancy black shoes over black ankle socks. She was walking around as she argued on the phone.

I realized that movement around this port would get difficult with her keeping a watch from this level and I had to warn the other members about a long range shooter in this area, so I climbed back down to call up the other members.

I surveyed the area and really, no one except for Izna was incharge of it, probably because it was farther and gave a better view of the terminal. I was only supposed to observe, but I knew for a fact that if she spotted even one of our members, she would put them down without batting an eyelash. I was going to protect my allies.

I took a deep breath and climbed up. I noticed that she was looking into the Sniper scope and I took that chance to quietly reach up to the same level as her. I removed my jacket and decided to wrap it over her head to block her vision. I raised my jacket, only to have a knife pierce through and the sound of fabric ripping followed. I hadn't registered the speed at which Izna had turned around and swiftly pointed her knife in my direction. I froze and dropped the jacket to the ground.

"Take off your face mask." Izna ordered in her best attempt to sound authoritative. I raised my hands in the air and stepped back. "Mask, off!" She inched the knife forward.

It was funny, mainly because I caught the vibration of fear in her voice. Her fingers shook just a bit and I knew she wasn't expecting this situation. My eyes followed the phone in her jacket pocket and I knew she wanted to call that Jackson guy more than anything.

I took a bold step forward and even though Izna was the one holding a weapon, her figure tensed. There was no doubting about who had the upper hand in this situation. Another step forward and Izna tightened her grip on the knife handle and took a step back. "Stay where you are!" She yelled with her eyes tightly shut.

The knife was easy to get to and grab from her hand, but she managed to slash the side of my right arm in the process. Blood pooled up and I let it drip as I pointed her own knife in her direction. "Safety precaution: Don't draw a knife, unless you're good at using it." I informed with mockery etched in my tone. She clenched her fists, defenceless a second time.

"I'll get back at you someday." Izna promised. "For all of this." I returned a charming smile in her direction as I stepped towards her. Izna's steps were faltering as she went back because she knew there was a steep fall where the container ended. There was nowhere to go.

"I don't recommend stepping back anymore." I suggested and Izna peeked beyond the edge. She lost her balance and I immediately reached out to grab her wrist and pulled her in my direction. We both landed on the container with a loud metallic noise. Izna was on top of me, my hands clutching her wrists with the knife still held in them. I pushed her off and pointed the knife at her throat. "Phone." I demanded.

Izna shook her head stubbornly. "You won't actually-" The cold and sharp edge of the knife drew some blood from the side of her neck. She yelped in pain and I immediately covered her mouth.

"Don't test me." I whispered. "Phone, hurry up."

Izna reached into her pocket and I noticed a slim red cylindrical something held between her fingers and terrible memories of baby soap and my elbow crashing against the ground returned. There was struggle, but I managed to get the spray bottle out of her hands. "What's with you and pepper spray? Can't you just use your fist like normal people?" Her fist shot out towards my nose and I immediately dodged it, wrapped my fingers around her wrist and twisted her arm back.

Izna yelped and struggled in pain. "Why are you after me? I don't even know you." She said. The truth was, I wasn't after her at all. It was just by chance that I saw her here today and since she was a lead to RedSnow, there was no way in hell I was going to let her slip by.

"I want information, I'll let you go if you tell me something you know." I offered.

Lies. I was going to take something back with me to the base today. It was either information or the whole source.

"What kind of information?" Izna's eyebrows furrowed. "Also, can you let go? I need my arm, I have a test two days later, so-" When I put some more pressure on her arm, Izna cried out in pain. Her breaths got heavier and I knew she was getting tired of struggling. "Listen, I really don't know anything. They just pay me to shoot, do you really think they'd give me reasoning?" She asked. I wondered if she really didn't know anything. Was it time to give up? "They didn't even specify a target for my next assignment." She added.

My eyes got wider and ears perked up. Next assignment? Was it a new deal? A shipment that was supposed to arrive? It was a golden opportunity for us to dive a little deeper into RedSnow's secrets. Izna might not have realized, but she had let her tongue slip and I knew that there was more I could get out of her.

I didn't waste another moment. I pulled at Izna's wrist to turn her around to face me. There was a mix of resentment and confusion in her expression. I didn't give her the time to think, just tightened my fingers into a fist and punched the right side of her abdomen. She went limp and collapsed against me. I carefully settled her form against the ground that was the container.

I reached for my phone and called Kris. "I have the Sniper from the other day. We need to leave immediately, like right now. Get the car and come near the stack of five blue containers. Hurry up." I told him and disconnected the phone when he agreed.

I hoped they would get here quickly because if someone came to check on Izna or contacted her, things could get messy. As if on cue, her phone rang. I reached into the pocket of her shorts and pulled out the sleek black phone. I groaned when I saw the caller ID.

Jackson calling...

What was I going to do? The guy didn't look like an amateur. If no one picked up after a few rings, he'd catch on quick. It wouldn't take him long to get here and see his long range shooter unconscious. Kris had to hurry the fuck up.

I heard the sound of wheels getting closer and I thanked whatever god was out there, helping me right now. I somehow managed to get Izna down the containers with the help of Sehun and we immediately got into the car and sped off. We were safe and would soon be away from this port. Izna's phone was still ringing. I put the phone on airplane mode and threw it in my pocket.

I finally had our first piece to fit into our puzzle of RedSnow.

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