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"Do you see sweet potatoes yet?" I asked quietly as I glanced at the ice cream parlour across the street.

A moment later, there was a response in my earpiece. "No. You?"

"No." I took a deep breath and leaned back against the dirty wall in the alleyway. "Anything else? Cheese? Butter? Nothing at all?" I asked.


This was ridiculous! Kyungsoo and I had arrived four hours ago to make sure we didn't miss one of our extremely rare chances, but by the looks of it, we were probably late or fed with wrong information.

Did it seem like I was discussing a grocery list? Good, because the moment a passerby finds out I'm discussing the requirements for a potential kidnapping, things would become, let's just say, inconvenient.

Sweet potatoes was our code for the man we were supposed to kidnap.

Cheese refers to armed people and butter was suspicious vehicles.

No, we aren't criminals hiding in shady alleys to kidnap children by luring them in with candy. Trust me, please.

Heard of Unit: EXO? If yes, then I'm sorry, but Kyungsoo will be disposing off your body in the Han river tonight. EXO is a secret organization that was created two years ago to deal with certain extraordinary threats in our country. Threats like people and weapons that surpassed regular human capabilities. It was only fair if the government created a team that could match those abilities.

Kyungsoo and I were waiting for a man named Song Jae Hyun who was supposed to be a member of the inner circle of RedSnow Inc. I remember Kai telling us something about him being a part of their technical crew. If we wanted more information about RedSnow, we had to take him with us and question him. Kai and Luhan were the members who brought us information from the deepest corners of the city so we could plan our next move.

I opened the piece of paper where he had scribbled down the details for me.

I opened the piece of paper where he had scribbled down the details for me

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My watch read 5:47 pm. The man was supposed to be here an hour and forty seven minutes ago. We were definitely not late because Kyungsoo and I had arrived around 2:00 pm and there was no one that matched the descriptions or even raised suspicion.

Unit EXO: ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now