Loose and Draw

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Nowadays, I think the Galaxia Sword is merely a fanservice tool. XD

Chapter 33: Loose and Draw

Free Kingdom; Alcamoth

Alcamoth was a mechanical island populated by the Entia, a tribe of humanoids with large angel wings growing from their heads. Because the town was already elevated above the ground in its homeworld, it was easy for Skaios to uplift it, regardless of the town's protective barrier. However, the barrier still proved useful to protect the citizens from the wrath of the Hyruleans, though many had taken refuge in their homes.

Katniss surveyed the town from the palace roof, squatted and holding a phone to her ear. "Dio, do you read me? Alcamoth is still safe. The Boogeys can't get in, and I have Star Knights everywhere just in case. What's the situation on Evermore?"

"Kokichi used his 'authority' to banish the Hyruleans off of Evermore, so it's safe for now. He's done the same for Goldpaw; perhaps we should arrange a way to move the citizens to those two islands."

"Wait a minute... something's happening." Katniss noticed an upper corner of the barrier crack. Her heart raced in worry, wondering who could have discovered a weakness, if any.

With her keen vision, she saw a hole open for a brief second before resealing, but three figures had already fallen in. "Aaaaaaaahhhhh!" Mason, Sheila, and Tani were plunging straight into the town.

"What?! How did those three..." Katniss called another number on her phone, "Benjamin, three people just broke through the barrier! Isn't it on maximum power?!"

"Sorry, Kitty Katswell, Benjamin took the day off. No laws against that in our Free Kingdom!" a girl's voice remarked.

"Who the hell is this?!"

"The Sugar Squad! Get wrecked, bitch!" a boy's voice retorted.

"Wait a second, you're Dillon and Vanellope! What's the meaning of this?!"

"Katniss, I have to go!" Dio's voice said. "Doflamingo just showed up, he's tearing up the town!"

"Wait, Doffy's there?! Come on, Vanel!" Dillon ushered.

"Wait—both of you—UGH!" Katniss groaned in agony. "STAR KNIGHTS, STOP THE INTRUDERS! I'll take them myself if I have to!" She became a Mockingjay and flew down.


"Blimey, don't this island look a beaut?" Sheila gazed around Alcamoth in wonder. "I bet ya a lot of rich types live here."

"Not that it matters in Trainwreck Kingdom." Tani remarked. "We won't have to worry about the Boogeys breaking through the barrier, so we'll have these knights all to ourselves."

"Then let's have the first serve!" Mason declared. (Play "Meta Knight's Revenge" from Smash Brawl!)

Stage 35: Alcamoth

Mission: Wreck the town like good pirates do!

Since the kids landed near a hedge garden, Tani brutishly used her plantbending to uglify the hedges. The bushes shaped like Entia acquired half-slit heads and ripped pelvises, and the knight hedges were shaped to pose like their nuts had been cracked. But as an act of vengeance, Sword Knights leapt out of some bushes, Tani engaging them with her spear. Sheila punched spheres at their sides, weakening them to where Tani could knock their weapons away, and afterwards will the hedge statues into grabbing and bashing the knights on the ground.

The trio bypassed the garden and to a calm, clear moat, with a boat available. Rather than row, the force of Sheila's thrown spheres would push them the opposite direction, but electric fences rose from the water to create less room for the intruders. White Seals came sailing over on floaties, biting swords in their mouths as they flipped onto the boat to battle, but Tani easily hit their swords away and kicked the seals in the water. There were light poles stationed around the moat, in which the tops were a pitchfork shape. Bow Knights were stationed on the poles and shooting arrows, Tani sniping them with archery of her own. They parked the boat beside a platform, since the route was otherwise blocked by fences, and they could jump other platforms over said electric fences. The platforms would rise and sink, so they jumped accordingly. They would be led to a walkway connected to a larger platform with eight lamp poles around it.

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