Chapter 8

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Selena's POV

I gasped when Justin threw cake at my face.

"Ooh your gonna pay for that." i glared at him.

"Ooh I'm so scared." he waved his hands in the air laughing.

I got a big piece of cake & threw it hard right at his sexy face.

"Oh bro!" Fredo laughed as Justin fell back laughing.

"That's what you get." i laughed.

Then someone threw cake at me. I looked at Priscilla as she looked around the room whistling. Shes making totally obvious that she threw that cake at me.

"Priscilla!" i laughed throwing cake at her.

Next thing i knew cake was flying everywhere as we all laughed.

"Ahhh!" Alex cried out as she fell off the chair flat on her face.

"Baby!" me & Justin both ran to her & picked her up.

"Shit her nose is bleeding." i mumbled getting napkins.

When Alex seen the blood her eyes widen & she started crying hard. She hates blood, it makes her dizzy & faint sometimes.

"Lets go clean her up in the bathroom." Justin carried her upstairs into my old room bathroom.

"Daddy me no like blood." Alex cried.

"Aw baby i don't like blood either. I think it's always suppose to stay in your body." he smiled at her.

"Yes not outside." she giggled.

I giggled & handed Justin napkins to clean up her blood.

"Baby keep your head up." i ordered.

"No baby keep you head down." Justin disagreed.

"No! She needs to stop the bleeding so she needs to keep her nose up." i moved Alex's head up.

"No! If she does that, the blood will go to her head. That's bad, so she needs to let the blood come out." he moved her head down onto a cloth.

Oh i did not know that...

"Daddy you right. Cake war!" Alex giggled.

"I know right. Your mommy almost killed me." he joked.

I gasped & hit his arm playfully.

"I did not you liar. If i wanted to kill you i would have." i joked laughing.

"You heard that Alex? Your gonna be a witness just incase she tries to kill me again." he laughed.

"Yes daddy." Alex laughed.

"Baby your gonna betray me like that?" i frowned laughing.

"Nooo momma." she giggled.

"I think she's confused." Justin laughed.

"Well do you wanna go home? So we can shower & change & then go see Auntie Demi." i asked Alex.

"Well actually i was gonna ask you if i could take her home with me? Just for tonight.." Justin asked me.

"Uh well let me think about it... No." i picked Alex up.


Justin POV

How fucking messed up.

"Why the hell not?" i asked frustrated.

"Because i said so." Selena got Alex's things.

"What the hell? Let her choose what she wants." i challenged her.

"She doesn't know what she wants." selena rolled her eyes.

"Yesh i do." Alex protested.

"Okay what do you want?" selena asked her.

"I want to go home with mommy & daddy!" Alex cheered.

Shiit... well I wouldn't mind, but I'm sure Selena would.

"Baby you do know that me & your daddy arent-"

"All the other girls go home with their mommy's & daddy's.." Alex whispered looking down sad.

Oh she's good... she looked up at me with those big bright eyes... fuck.

"I wouldnt mind having you guys over... or going over to your house." i smiled at Alex.

Her big smile & happy face was the most adorable thing in the world.

"Yes! My hwouse! So I can show you my thwings!" she cheered giggling.

"Yeah Selena?" i smiled at Sel & twinkled my eyes.

"Stop that... if you'd like, your more than welcomed to." she laughed.

"Yaaay! Sleeeepover!" i cheered & tickled Alex.

"Stop it daddy." she laughed.

"Your sleeping in the guesr room though." Selena said.

"Aw i wanted to sleep next to you though." i winked at Selena.

(A/N) so Justin and Selena......?

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