Chapter 6

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Selena's POV

Tears were running down my cheeks non stop. I know he can get full custody of Alex, for crying out loud he's Justin Bieber! But no no no! She's my whole life! He can't, he can't!

"Justin.. no please. I'm so sorry i didn't tell you but you can't take her away from me! She doesn't even know your her father! Just... get the hell out! Leave!" i screamed at Justin as i pointed to the door.

"No! I'm not leaving Selena. I think it's better for her if i take her. I promise you'll get to see her whenever you want though." he sighed.

"No! Get the hell out now! How is it better for her?! She doesn't even know you, your a fucking stranger to her! No, she's mine. She has been only mine since day one!" i screamed.

"Look at just what happened! You think she's better off here with you?! Nick hurt her & you let him! She's scared to death of him thanks to you! That's another reason, i want to get to know my own daughter! I'm a fucking stranger to my own daughter because of you!" he screamed at me & got really close to me.

I back away scared that he might hurt me, he was so mad. Nick would hit me when he was mad, he would hit me for any reason.When i moved back scared Justin's mad expression softened.

"I-I'm sorry Selena. I'm not gonna hurt you, i would never." he backed away sighing.


Justin's POV

"I-i know..." Selena sighed.

"I just don't wanna be away from her any longer," i sighed looking at Alex.

*knock knock* someone knocked on the door then opened it.

"Hey guys what's with all the screaming?" my mom stepped into the room.

"He wants to take my daughter away from me!" Selena screamed.

"Our daughter!" i corrected her.

"What?!" my mom asked shocked.

"I want full custody of Alex." i looked away from my mom's confused face.

"He's not getting full custody of her!" Selena screamed.

"Are you out of your damn mind?!" my mom screamed at me.

"Mom! Your suppose to be on my side. She kept her from me! Don't you wanna spend time to get to know your only grandchild?" i asked my mom.

"Yes but this isn't the way to do it. The child always stays with the mother. Selena has been raising her on her own. Justin, no i won't allow you to take her away from Selena. No never. I'm sure Selena would allow us to spend time with her & know that we are her family as well. You don't need to have full custody. You guys can share the custody fairly." my mom said calm.

"No i want full custody." i demanded.

"You can't have her!" both Selena & my mom screamed.

"Justin listen to me. If you take her to court media & your fans will go crazy. They'll threaten them Justin. You need to keep them a secret, for their own safety." my mom sighed.

I hadn't even thought about media or my fans. Fuck, this can't go out... for a while.

"Momma? Stop. No. Stop. Stop!" Alex started screaming in her sleep.

"She's having a nightmare! Baby wake up! Baby wake up your dreaming!" Selena shook Alex's sleeping body.

Alex stopped screaming & opened her eyes wide & looked around. "Mommy, mommy!" Alex hugged Selena crying.

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