year 9 part 1

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WAHAYY this is when shit REALLY hits the fan. year nine was possibly the worst year of my life, maybe because it was the most recent year or maybe just because of how much shit piled on top of each other. I don't even know where to start.

So i'll start with the first overly bad, september was alright, got dumped after like two weeks but that doesn't bother me much. October everything started going downhill. my great uncle passed away due to suicide. He was a huge part of my life, i saw him at least every week and shit but sadly he couldn't go on any longer.

His death hit me harder than anything ever had. i spiralled out of control, i wouldn't speak to anyone except close friends, those friends i was E X T R E M E L Y clingy with and that caused enough trouble which i shall explain in the next chapter.

Anyway so the DAY AFTER his death, which was announced pretty late the previous night so i didn't even have 12 hours to recover. the school made me go to school, but assured my mum all staff would be made aware. This CLEARLY wasn't the case.

so i walk into RE, a lesson up two flights of stairs so i was already pissed off. I look at the work, the starter was pretty tame except for the fact the first word i saw was dead body. That's it, i'm gone. I was starting to cry and losing focus, my mind consumed by the thought of his death.

my friend was talking to someone else and i looked up at him, looking back down straight after, ya know how you look up at where the noise is to check it out but not caring and moving your focus back to the previous thing.

before i know it, i'm being shouted at along with my best mate. i'm over here like bitch whaaaaaaaat. So what happened was my mate was talking to this other boy at the back of the classroom which i said, this teacher saw me look at him for a split second and started laying into us for messing around.

The tears i was trying so hard to hold back came streaming out as i look down. This boy stood up for me and was like 'mate, she didn't do anything leave her alone' And that just made the teacher angrier. me crying more, he got sent out and that left me in the middle of it. i was too upset and out of it to say anything.

She continues shouting at me saying i was talking back and i was being rude (ask anyone and they'll be like nah she weren't) I'm hella crying, can't control my tears and she sends me out of class for my misbehaviour. me and the boy just kinda talk and he cheers me up.

From what i was told, my other friend then began saying she was being unfair, the whole class was being unruly and this teacher started crying. She then comes out, sends the boy in class and makes me stay out of class, them kicking off more. i'm still crying.

The teacher then walks out and says "i had to tell you off, you reacted irrationally but i'm sorry for upsetting you" and then said "you were being unruly in my class and i dealt with it appropriately" I then muster up the courage to say "i didn't do anything wrong" And she goes "yes you did and i told you off like i would with any of the unruly students such as (names a bunch of students)"

I, being the normal person i was, cried harder. She then says "you obviously have some personal stuff going on, you need to spend the lesson in inclusion because you are being very disruptive and you need to calm down"

That was it, that was the first and only time i'd been fully kicked out a lesson, sure i'd been sent out a classroom but never like this. i grabbed my stuff and went to inclusion, explaining i was sent there and just reading for half an hour.

of course rumours were spread, everyone knew by lunch time, by that point everyone guessed someone in my family died because i said i was struggling cause of 'personal issues' And some girl was like 'probably a death' so that's what was believed (and true).

I don't know what happened after i left but apparently nobody did work and the lesson was just fucked after that point. you'd think it'd end there but nope because the next RE lesson we had a different teacher and she asked 'what did you do last lesson'

This boy started trying to explain awkwardly of course he didn't know everything but he tried his hardest to explain the truth. This fucking bitch then walked into class and the teacher asked "what happened last lesson?" And this girl just went "Coral was messing around and friend tried to get her out of trouble, she kept talking back and they both got sent out and the whole class was disrupted"

so obviously the teacher went angry, calling me disrespectful and saying i shouldn't treat teachers like that. She then said she was going to get everyone's side of the story and speak to a few students. Of course i wasn't in on this so i couldn't politely explain the misunderstanding or anything. My friend tried but she wouldn't listen.

always fun stuff ~😃✌️~

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