Chapter 9: The Houses Quietness

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Jeff POV

I got out of the chains and rope easily and hugged her. As sally cried on my shoulder, I had slowly realized a few things.

Sally and Y/N had the most closest connection so no ones hurting more than her. They're sisters and are really close so sally is feeling way more worse than anyone else.

She's feeling more pain than me even. I then picked her up and held her in my arms. She slowly calmed down and I left the room. My heart ached and I wanted to so badly kill offender, but sally is my priority.

Y/N would want me to keep her smiling. As I walked down the hall, sally was right. The house was quiet for once and no one was running or yelling or being chased. It was just quiet.

Y/N would always have been the reason for someone chasing someone else, or running around for fun, or even just yelling and laughing out loud. Even if she was locked in her room the house would still be active.

But it was still active cause we knew she was still alive and just in her room trying to fix herself. But she's not here. Sally eventually fell asleep on me as I arrived to her room.

I went in and saw her room was a little messy. It looks like she was playing a bunch of games to get her mind away from whats going on. I put her in her bed and put her blanket over her.

Charlie got on the bed and sat next to her, going back to being a doll an waiting for her to wake up. I left and continued on my route to my destination. One of the doors opened and masky came out.

He saw me and seemed to have froze.

"How long?" He asked depressed

"The moment you guys locked the door." I said and walked by," sally just unlocked it and came crying to me. Y/N would have wanted me to keep her smiling so thats what I'll do."

I continued till I made it to the one door I want to be in front of. Y/Ns room. I hesitated to go in and stopped mid way. I growled at myself to stop being a pussy and forced myself to go in.

Once I finally got myself inside, it was just dark and quiet. I let out a small breath like if I was holding it in and turned on the light. It was the same as when we cuddled.

I went in deeper and saw the clothes she wore on our date in a pile of clothes on a chair. I went to her mirror and saw photos that masky took of her. One photo had her laughing on the floor as BEN was dunked in water and freaking the fuck out.

I smiled at that one and looked at the others. Another one was her throwing pie into pinkys face while she had tobys waffles in a grocery bag. Toby was blurry in the photo but was clearly chasing after her.

And the last one was of her and sally. Sally was in a princess dress posing as Y/N was in a black princess dress with a sword she stole from BEN. She also had a crown on that she stole from Trenders jewelry pile.

I remember what she did after that photo. Once the photo was taken, BEN came and complained telling her to give him back his sword. She just laughed and sally giggled.

Then kagekao said she looked stupid and she tore the bottom half of the dress making it into shorts or something and chased kage with the sword. They then went toe to toe in a sword fight till offender stopped them and took the weapons away.

He said she was annoying and reckless but we defended her. BEN said he gave her permission to do what she wanted and she just smiled at us as we defended her right to be herself.

I sighed and shook my head a little.

"You were always the main source of something happening..." I said softly," you made everyone have that energy to do something fun....but your gone now....I want you back....we didn't get to do much together too....I wanted to kiss you in front of offender and flick him off while I was at would've laughed....have been happy even...."

It actually hurt more to have actually felt my heart sink. To really feel it just showed how much I loved her. I clenched my hands into fists and growled, knowing who's fault it was.

But I had to keep a leveled head for Sally's sake.

"I hope your okay." I said softly

I relaxed my body and sighed. I went to her bed and laid down in it, just thinking she was right besides but I couldn't hold her...

Masky POV

I knew jeff was just faking being locked up, I just wondered why he stayed in there for so long. Anyways, he went into Y/Ns room probably just wanting to think she was still here.

I then left and went to check on sally. She was asleep and her room was a mess. I cleaned it up for her and then left, closing the door. I went down stairs and saw the living room was empty.

BEN has been playing video games to keep his mind away from Y/N but he always just stood still in the game and didn't play. I guess he just gave up and went to morn over her death.

I went to the kitchen where I saw lexi. She saw me and looked sad.

"Masky....was she...." she trailed off

"If your asking about Y/N then I treated her like a sister. I protected her as best as I could, hovered over her and made sure she was safe. But even so she was always the power of a party or in charge of something crazy that was happening." I said softly to her

She teared up and smiled a little.

"Go on." She said softly

"She always smiled and made us smile, she didn't care about what Offender did half of the time and whenever he came to ruin her life she just stood there and took it cause it was the only times he actually acknowledged her. She would cry and be sad sometimes that he didn't care about her but we always cheered her up and got her to be crazy and fun again." I explained

She sighed softly and intertwined her hands.

"Thank you masky for trying to be her brother and for protecting her." She said sweetly

I smiled under my mask then frowned.

"Yeah but I couldn't protect her enough to keep her alive." I replied sadly

She frowned at me and then I turned away from her.

"You kinda look a ting bit like her..." I said," I think its why some of the others don't want to see you just yet..."

I then left and decided to go back to my room. I didn't want to interact with anyone else really....not unless Y/N was back...

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