Henry's P.O.V.

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"This is it," I say to myself, "I'm going to die."

   When I first started being Kid Danger that fateful day, a few years ago, I didn't know what exactly I signed up for. I wanted a simple job that offered good pay. Looking back, am I glad that I took the job? Duh!! I never thought someone like me would become a sidekick for a superhero. I thought I was just an average kid that would make little to no contributions to the world. These past years though, I've come to help so many people. Not only that, but so many people have helped me. I've been through so much and have learned a great deal of lessons. I've grown from a kid to a man, learned the true act of self sacrifice, and most importantly, strengthen my friendships.

Charlotte and Jasper have always been my friends since the beginning. They've never abandoned me and they keep me on my feet. Without their support, I would certainly have died sooner. Then there's Schwoz. He was also there in the beginning. He's been someone that I could always count on and has become a good friend. Thankfully he doesn't get too annoyed from the constant bullying that the guys and I tend to do. I guess I should mention Piper too, if I disclude her from this little interlude, I'll never hear the end of it from wherever I'm going.

Piper figuring out my 'little' secret wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Her and Charlotte seemed to get along rather well and she actually proved herself to be a big help. I hate to admit it but, I didn't hate her being on the team. Sure she gets super annoying but it's funny to see her and Ray go at it with each other. Oh yeah, I can't forget the man himself. Out of everything I've gained from being Kid Danger, nothing means more to me than one dude.

Ray Manchester.

    Oh how to describe Ray. When that man hired me to be Kid Danger, I didn't know what life would turn into. One thing is for sure, it was never boring. The Mancave wasn't just a place for work. It was a place for laughs and goofing off, which I found out was Ray's specialty. I had always envisioned Captain Man as this tough hero who was great at everything, maybe that's why at first I was always intimidated to be around him. I mean, how could I measure up to a superhero?

I soon learned that Ray was more than what he showed off to the public. He's a friggin man child for one thing. He's not the brightest but he's also not afraid to brag about how awesome he is. He's insanely funny and there's times when all I want to do is be mad but he has to hit me with a joke and I can't hold back my laughter. He's really taught me how to enjoy and make the most out of life. Another reason as to why I love Ray, is that he knows when to be a goof and when to be serious, at least when it comes to really bad situations. When we're facing tough bad guys, I can see his mood shift and he will seriously kick butt. Kicking butt with him was always a blast.

All these years, fighting crime, chilling in the Mancave, and having thrilling adventures really brought us closer. Whatever came at me, Ray was always there beside me. It was like I never had to face anything alone, he's helped me grow and I like to think I did the same for him. I made sure to be there for him, not just because I was his sidekick, but for the reason I actually really care about him. I never wanted him to face anything alone. This has led to him becoming my best friend. The relationship we have is so indescribable, but it's so strong that I don't know how it could ever break.

    These six years have been nothing short of amazing. Having Ray and my close friends by my side has added joy and passion to my life. Did we face hardships? Yes. Nothing in life ever comes easily, especially when it all comes to an end...

   Thinking that the day was going to turn out as it usually did, I didn't expect anything to really happen. Just the gang and I relaxing and taking care of Swellview, you know the usual. But dang was I wrong. Hearing from Charlotte that her, Jasper, and even Piper were going to graduate High School and move on to college, meaning that they were gearing up for the next chapter in their lives really made me think. I would sometimes contemplate the idea of what would come next. Change can be a fearful scenario so I always pushed the idea away and told myself that I would worry about it when I graduated. Heh, who knew it would come so fast.

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