Henry's P.O.V (Final Part)

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'So you mean to tell me that you were glowing, surrounded by like a green shield and it  caused nothing to harm you until after the blimp crashed into the mountain. You landed on the ground and it disappeared?" Ray asks in utter shock.

"Yeah, I can't believe it either but that's what seemed to happen" I responded in a hoarse voice.

   As I was literally about to face my death, there was a glowing green shield surrounding my body. I didn't pay too close attention to it because I'm pretty used to weird stuff happening to me all the time. When the mountain came closer into view, I closed my eyes and waited for all the pain and the leading death but none of those things occurred. I had flown off the blimp and landed hard on the mountain's surface. Yet I felt nothing. I didn't feel any more pain then the pain I had already gained from Drex. I checked myself and saw that nothing had changed. It was almost like I was indestructible. Well, almost.

The place I was in quickly began to drown me in smoke that was coming from the fires that the whole collision had caused. The fires were moving rapidly through the mountain and I knew I had to get out of there. I tried my best to scale down the mountain but with my adrenaline running thin and my injuries growing worse, I stopped pretty quickly. All I was able to do was keep myself from inhaling too much smoke. As time passed by, that proved to be a challenge. The smoke only got worse and I only felt weaker and weaker. I almost laughed. By some miracle I survived, yet there I was, about to die. I wondered, how many times would my life be tested in one night. Well luckily, as I slowly was falling victim to my weak condition, I heard an all too familiar voice.

  Yup, Ray was there. It made me want to cry when I heard the desperation in his tone. I called out to him the best I could but with all the smoke, it made it nearly impossible. I couldn't even see what was in front of me. My throat literally felt like it was on fire. How ironic. Anyway, Ray's yells only got louder and they seemed closer. I tried to call to him one more time, giving it my all. After that, my voice completely gave up on me and I knew there would be no chance in using it again. I decided to move in the direction of where I heard Ray's voice. I knew it wouldn't help too much but hey, I couldn't give up. With my last bit of strength, I pushed myself forward. Yeah, that was like five steps. It took everything out of me though.

I fell on my side with one arm tucked around my chest as it still hurt from all the fighting, and my other one was reaching out. I don't know what for but anything to add a dramatic flare. Those are always important. Then wouldn't ya know it. Ray comes from the opposite direction that I was going in. One of us must've screwed up. It was probably him. He saw my footprints and  I tried calling out to him but he didn't hear. He was still sitting there, looking down at my prints. The crazy thing was, I didn't realize how bad my condition was. My lungs felt tight, my head hurt like crazy and my whole body felt like a ton of bricks. The last thing I recalled was looking at Ray before my world went completely dark.

I don't know if I was on my highway to heaven or my downfall to hell, but I do know that I woke up. I woke up to a deep pain in my chest. I had taken a deep gasp, let out a few coughs, but most importantly, looked into the eyes of a friend. This had to be  the best miracle of the night, Ray had brought me back from what could've been a devastating death. He picked me up and like a hero, saved me from the fires of death and the legit fires. He found a quick and easy trail that took us away from all the smoke and the commotion of reporters. Since then, I've just been recalling the events to him.

"I can't believe it. I can't friggin' believe it!"

"Believe what, that I'm alive?"

"Well duh! Schwoz said there was a minimal chance that you would actually make it but here you are!"

"Oh my gosh, Schwoz. The others...do they know that I'm okay?"

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