Charlotte's P.O.V.

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I said nervously, moments after Ray left,

"what are the chances that Henry is still alive?"

"Do you want the truth?'


"Henry has a very small chance of being alive. Yes, there is a possibility that he gained a superpower like the other kids but we have no way of knowing that his power was activated in time. If he did gain a superpower, there's no confirming that it had the potential to save his life. There is still a chance though. We just have to hope that Ray finds him in time."

    The more I sit and think about that conversation I had with Schwoz, seconds after Ray departed, the more outcomes come to my mind that could lead to Henry's death. What if when he crashed he survived but now he's bleeding to death? What if he can't make it back to safety and dies when Ray finds him? What if we never see him again? Out of all the questions, that one hurts me the most. The idea that none of us might not ever get to see Henry again. Why? What have we done to deserve such a tortuous end? Never in my years of working in this position did I think that there would be a possibility that our strong team would be down a member...especially the member that brought us all together in the first place.

    When I first learned that Henry was Kid Danger, I was nothing short of excited. I mean, learning that your friend is the sidekick of a superhero isn't dull news. It also wasn't very hard to figure it out. Henry sure wasn't and still isn't the best at keeping secrets. Which makes me wonder how it was so shocking to him when I figured it out. He was such a dork about it. Anyway, I soon found out that Ray had fired him because of the reveal. It made me feel awful. But of course, me being the awesome genius that I am, I helped him to get the job back and even got myself a job!

From that point on I became the smarts behind the punches. I was the brains behind the brawn. With Schwoz's help, we both silently helped the crime fighting duo and it was great. Life was great. I managed to keep my grades up and I was managing to do my super cool job. To me, the best part of it all was building my friendship with Henry and making new bonds with Ray and Schwoz. Later on, Jasper joined the team. It got a little more irritating with four boys but we were growing into a family and I liked it. Things changed though, for me at least, when we faced our first encounter with Drex.

    That day, when Drex broke out, was a day like no other. For the first time, I saw Ray's fear. Sure, he's been scared before, but this was different. Way different. He was actually, truly afraid of Drex and what he could do. I certainly was. The guy almost accomplished in taking down Ray. Ray, the guy who is friggin indestructible. How can we not be scared of this guy? The situation was so intense, Ray didn't even want to bring Henry along with him. Luckily, Henry gained a new superpower (that he lossed about two years later), and spanked Drex's butt. After that, I slowly started to put more hours into the job. I started to slowly ignore school a little and put more focus into making sure that whenever we were to face another bad guy like Drex, that we would be ready. I no longer had that naive part of me that thought that we'd win everything. It was replaced by constant worry for the next bad guy and the one after that.

That isn't to say that the job was no longer enjoyable. The Mancave became a second home for me and everyone else. It was a place were we all could have stupid fun and just be together. The job just became a part of my life, and as a bonus I was still getting paid. I will say though, that seeing Henry and Ray's relationship blossom into something I can't even explain was really cool. The two goofs have spent so much time together that they know everything about each other and they care for one another. Henry takes care of the man child side in Ray, which takes a lot of patience and work because that man is an unbelievably huge baby and Ray does his best to protect Henry in serious situations. Those two are inseparable that it's almost like you can't have one without the other. Their undeniable friendship has been through the wringer unfortunately...

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