Ray's P.O.V.

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"I love you buddy"

    Henry says. I look into his eyes with so much love and appreciation. Even after our big fight, he still cares about me and our relationship as much as I do. Even though he friggin 'quit he still is willing to risk everything for Swellview and seeing how I can't force him to safety, I'm going to stick by his side because there is no way in hell that I'm letting my kid make a life threatening sacrifice without me. Death is definitely something I fear, but having my kid die instead of me? Yeah, like that's ever gonna happen. Unfortunately, Henry had a different plan in mind. While I was temporarily distracted, I failed to notice him reaching for the cord leading to my parachute. My eyes grew wide when I felt the tug.

No... He wouldn't dare...

But he did. As I feared, Henry had released my parachute. I should've known. That kid has such a big heart, there's no way that he's going to let anyone die alongside him. Even if it's me.


I scream as the heavy winds carry me away from the blimp. I catch Henry's apologetic expression before he only becomes a small figure in the distance, becoming smaller and smaller until his image is masked by the dark.I feel tears sting my eyes for the hundredth time tonight. How can this be possible...Just a moment ago....


I yell out into the dark abyss of the night. This wasn't supposed to happen. Not to him. It should've been me.


My heart races with anxiety and my breaths come in short. Henry is actually going to die, all alone for the sake of Swellview.


"I'm the super hero..."

My tears turn into uncontrollable sobs.

"He was never supposed to die. It was supposed to be me. ME! I WAS MEANT TO PROTECT SWELLVIEW WITH MY LIFE! Not that kid...not my best friend..."

Whatever pain I've felt before, even though those times were rare, nothing compares to this moment. This, right here, is worse than any of the cuts, wounds, or shocks that I've ever felt. It hurts more than the fights ith Drex. It hurts more than the fight at the Mancave because at least in that moment he was still there...


I let go a blood curdling scream. I can't imagine my life without that kid. Not when he was such a huge part of it.

    When I started rocking the persona of Captain Man, it felt awesome. I had so many people who adored and loved me. In their eyes I was a superhero. I mean I actually was but to know that's how they saw me, the feeling was so fulfilling. I began to get rid of all the crimes that were happening in Swellview and let me tell you, there was a lot. I was getting calls almost every hour. It was both exhilarating and exhausting. As time passed I had this idea of obtaining a sidekick. I mean what's a superhero without a sidekick? A lame one for sure.

I had searched and held tryouts for some candidates. Schwoz was there at the time and he had done his best to help me. Then one day I came across this  interesting guy. Yep, that guy was Drex. Drex was so awesome at the time. He really didn't seem like a bad guy. I thought he would be perfect for the job. He was smart, strong, and knew how to have a good time. I hired him and we had some great adventures. He was a very skilled fighter and really helped me during missions. There was even a moment when I called him my friend.

Months went by and everything seemed to be going well. Schwoz had built ten Mancaves that we soon were going to move into and continued to make super cool gadgets. Drex and I became an unstoppable team. It was almost a perfect life. Until one day...and it's a day that I will never forget.

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