Chapter 1

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{Warnings: Profanity.} 

Word count: 1030

Chapter 1: Soft And Feathery.

This is ameripan and rusame,  BOTH, NOT ONE. 

Vote who you want to be endgame:



All three...? 👀

2 separate endings.


I'm new with accents so don't attack me.

Alfred couldn't help but frown at himself in the mirror. Sure, he had a breathtaking gift but still. Do you know how hard it is to hide these fuckers? 

They were incredibly large, like, so large they could go from one side of a classroom to another. Did I mention they were heavy? His whole life he's been dragged down by these stupid wings. 

He eventually learned how to pick them up, with a lot of exercise and he's also learned to fly with them. It was astonishing really telling how heavy these wings really were. 

God, they were oh so beautiful too! They were soft feathery wings that were colored like a pastel rainbow and they had gold lining at the end of each and every feather to show the beauty of the wings. 

Who would've thought they were dangerous too? Getting hit in the face with these suckers is like getting hit with a brick or a truck depending on how hard he hit. He could also shoot feathers from his wings, they may be soft and feathery but they were prickly like a cacti.

He sighed dreamily, though they were annoying they never ceased to amaze him. 

Picking up his bags and getting ready for another meeting with all the other countries, he hid his wings in his shirt. 

From the outside he looked really fat but could you blame him? It's like shoving a goddamn elephant up your shirt. These wings were HUGE. So he couldn't really complain when the other countries called him fat. 

If you're wondering how he hid his wings from countries like Britain, France and Canada the answer is simple. 

They didn't start growing until he was like 14 in human years. They started out small but just kept growing and growing. He had human friends he showed but they called him stuff like 'outcast' and 'freak' so he decided it would be better if he just hid them from the world.

Deciding he was done pondering about his wings he sighed and left the hotel he was staying at and took out a letter that was for his next meeting. 

Apparently it was in France which was good cause he can speak French. He could speak quite a few languages actually but he decided not to tell anyone that because bragging is quite annoying. 

It wasn't that he had a mask it was just that he wasn't as annoying as everyone thought. He was still annoying and fun he just wanted to keep some stuff to himself. That isn't bad right? It's not like he was lying or anything. Ha ha.

The blond found himself in front of the door about 5 minutes after his thinking ceased. Checking his watch which read 8:27, he decided that he wasn't late. He opened the door to a seemingly calm meeting room filled with chatting countries. Japan was looking at him oddly which made America kinda uncomfortable. The Asian country had absolutely beautiful eyes though. 

His eyes were a deep brown that resembles rich soil or creamy chocolate, they were beautiful. 

Snapping out of his daze, America waved to Japan yelling a "Wassup, dude?!" He stared at me for a second as if he was studying my face. "I'm fine America-Kun, how are you?" The asian country asked back. 

"I'm fantastic!" I answered back, pulling out a cheeseburger. Japan sighed and turned towards Germany who was starting the meeting. 

"Ok, so we vill go in order of who should present zhier ideas for global warming." The German country stated. (A/N vill=will an pe zhier=their)

I pretty much zoned out from there and started staring at my brother Canada. I wish people would treat him better. 

"A-erica." I heard someone yell but continued on with my train of thoughts. "AMERICA!" My eyes widened as I turned my head towards Germany who was yelling at me. "It's your turn." 

I nodded and stood up. "I think we should have a large team of people like Britain who will zippity zappity the heat from the earth." I said it with a very serious face so I couldn't really blame anyone when most of the countries burst out laughing. 

I was gonna sit back down before I heard France say something rude. "Is that fat getting to your brain America?" The baguette country called to me. "Of course not!" I shot back, only to cause more chaos. 

I sighed and sat back down, way too fast. A feather fell out of my jacket and Japan looked at it curiously.

 "Why was there a feather in your jacket America-Kun?" His brown eyes stared at me curiously. "I like collecting feathers," I replied casually. He didn't ask anymore and just turned back towards the front. 

Thank you mother nature for sticking by my side, I have never been more grateful for life on this planet. 


Germany was tired of this fighting so he called an end to the meeting and everyone started heading back to their hotel. 

The next meeting was in Russia, joy. I decided to stay in france until next meeting because it was closer to Russia. 

I moaned out as I stretched my wings, though the hotel was really cramped so they ran into the walls. 

I decided on giving my wings a good stretch so I went into an alleyway so no one would see me and shot up real fast. It was in the outskirts of Paris so I didn't really worry about anyone seeing me. 

I flew above the cloud letting my wings roam free. It felt good to let them out from time to time. The powerful flaps of my wings would cause a really strong gust of wind so I made sure to stay away from most of the clouds. 

I heard a ringing from my back pocket and sighed, how the fuck am I getting phone calls this high up in the air? 

I gently flapped my wings, heading back down carefully towards the trees so no one saw me. 

"Yes France?" I answered.

"Mon chéri you'll never believe what I saw in the sky?" He answered.


Guys I have 4 complete drafts meaning chapters!

I will be posting everyday as of right now! :)

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