Blue Flowers

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After they all agreed that they'd go on another road trip, the best friend squad went their own ways to celebrate the victory. Glimmer and Bow joined the rest of the princesses, in Brightmoon, which had already been fixed by an incredibly powerful spell of Micah's. They were happy they finally got to go home, no threats, no dangers.

And Adora and Catra had disappeared. They were last  seen by Frosta running towards the forest, hand in hand, smiling and laughing just like couples do in fairy tales.

The Rebellion knew well enough to not look for them. They decided to give them space, and didn't worry for them, because they had She-Ra.



Catra turned to look at her girlfriend, who was deeply admiring the new forest. Which was filled with magic, and beautiful, unique creatures. Colourful flowers and butterflies were everywhere, making the place look like a heaven.

She smiled softly, then walked towards her.

"Hey," the feline put her hand on the blonde's shoulder, surprising her.

"Oh hey there," she chuckled quietly, slowly turning around to face the cat. "This place is amazing, so many wonders. And have you seen the 'tigers'?" She asked enthusiastically, sounding like a 6 year old kid.

"Yes. Yes I have, now come on. I wanna show you something." Catra gabbed Adora's hand, walking them through some trees, with Adora poking the butterflies from time to time.

Then they stopped. Before them lay a mesmerising field filled with blue flowers and tall grass, mountains chilling in the background.

Adora gasped at the sight, taking it all in, then managing to whisper a small 'wow', before swiftly pulling Catra in a tight hug.

"Thank you," she said squeezing the smaller body in her arms, a squeak being released at the gesture.

"Hehe, I knew you'd like it,"

"I sure do."

They proceeded to walk into the field, both looking around, holding hands. Adora gave it a little squeeze, then said,

"Let's sit here for a little bit."


They both laid their backs on the earth, staring at the pink sky above them, raising their hands to point at funny shaped clouds from time to time. They talked for quite a while, about what they were going to do, about the sacrifice of Shadow Weaver, and many more.

"You really did jump into the fire for me," Adora laughed, earning an elbow in the rib from Catra.

"Stop teasing me about it," she scoffed.

"You know, I would've done the same." Adora admitted, raising her arm and placing it behind Catra, suggesting she'd put her head on her chest. As the feline  did so, she could feel her smile.

"You dork," she chuckled, wrapping her tail around the blondie's leg.

"I'm your dork."

"Yes. Yes, you are."

And with that, they both let their eyes close, allowing themselves to relax, and fall asleep, for the first time in their lives, without the feeling of dread of war or danger.

Just, there, with each other, enjoying the moment, in each other's arms. Without a care in the world. Feeling...happy.

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