The second appointment: Chapter 19

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*it's been a month since Fin's last appointment and Nessa had noticed that his breathing has gotten better she hasn't seen him struggle to breathe for about a week and they have their second follow up appointment today*

Christan: Nessa where's Fin?
Nessa: he's in the car seat right there
Christan: oh 😂 ok let's go
Nessa: bye guys we're leaving
Roni: bye love you Nessa hope everything goes well
Nessa: me too

*They drive to the doctor and get all checked in, there was no one there so they didn't have to wait*

Nurse: Finian Merrell
Nessa: *gets up, grabs Fin's car seat and goes with the nurse and Christan follows*
*They get to the room and the nurse asks some questions and Nessa answers them, then the doctor takes Fin to do his testing and the doctor comes back in*

Doctor: so we've got some good and bad news
Nessa: can you say the bad news first please?
Doctor: sure so the bad news is that the blood flow to his heart seems worse that last time
Nessa: oh 😞
Doctor: but the good news is it's not so bad that he needs to stay in the hospital he can go home and we will keep him on the medication and see him in two weeks and his breathing is much better
Nessa: so still the same amount of medicine every time he eats?
Doctor: yes
Nessa: ok thank you
Doctor: no problem and if you have and other questions or concerns feel free to call us
Nessa: ok

*In the car on the way home Nessa starts crying and decides not to call Roni*
Christan: hey baby do you want to talk about it?
Nessa: I just really don't want him to die
Christan: I know baby but we have to think positive thoughts
Nessa: yeah I know I'm trying but I've barely seen my other babies and I feel like they are not gonna like me because they never saw me growing up
Christan: hey hey hey stop thinking like that your daughters will love you no matter what and even if they don't see you much now it's later that matters more because they will remember it later in life and not as much now
Nessa: yeah I guess so

*When they get home Nessa walks in her face is red as a tomato, her eyes are swollen and she's still crying, she goes and sits on the couch and takes Fin out of his car seat hugs him tight and keeps crying, Roni comes in a sees Nessa crying*
Roni: omg Nessa what's wrong did something bad happen?
Nessa: he got worse
Roni: oh no *she sits next to Nessa*
Nessa: I just don't want him to die
Roni: just think on the positive side
Nessa: I'm trying but it's so hard to think he could die *starts crying harder*
Roni: hey hey it's ok just breathe I'm going to get you a glass of water
Nessa: can I have a donut too?
Roni: yes I'll grab you a donut too

*Two weeks later*

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